my setup: Freedom K22F with MBED Firmware
custom board, cleanly soldered. Connections verified.
Problem: I cannot program the K22F MCU. The reset pin is oscillating (very short hight) and the programmer cannot reset the MCU.
Question: How can I program the MCU MK22FN512 now?
Please help quick, I'm in the hurry.
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
Solved this issue by buying Segger JLink. Sorry to tell, but OpenOCD does not really work with custom boards.
Solved this issue by buying Segger JLink. Sorry to tell, but OpenOCD does not really work with custom boards.
I would recommend customer update the FRDM-K22F OpenSDA V2.1 firmware with Segger J-Link firware (downloaded related J-Link firmware from here).
After the FRDM-K22F OpenSDA firmware updated to J-Link, customer can download [J-Link Software and Documents Pack], using J-Link Commander tool input "unlock Kinetis" command to unlock target MCU.
After that, customer can try using J-Link tool to program the target MCU.
Wish it helps.
Have a great day,
Ma Hui
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