MK60DN512Z register lead to Clock initialization faild

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MK60DN512Z register lead to Clock initialization faild

Contributor I

I programmed the MK60DN512VLQ10 and running well in MCUXpresso IDE, when I change to MK60DN512ZVLQ10, the clock initialization could not pass. Then I checked the register for both chips, the difference between MCG_C7 register is different. So I change the MCG_C7_OSCSEL_VAL to SIM_SOPT2_MCGCLKSEL_VAL, this step could pass but the initialization of the clock still have problem. How can I solve this problem? 

Furthermore, where can I download the SDK for the MK60DN512Z serial. The MCU SDK only provide for chip without Z.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Chuckie,

The MK60DN512VLQ10 is Rev 2.x and MK60DN512ZVLQ10 is Rev 1.x. All the details about major changes between Rev 1.x and 2.x can be found in the application note AN4445 Kinetis 100 MHz Rev 1.x to Rev 2.x Migration Guide.

MK60DN512ZVLQ10 (Kinetis K 100MHz Rev 1.x) is not in the support list of SDK and MCUXpresso. I am afraid you may need to use Processor Expert with CodeWarrior11 or KDS3.2.

Sorry for the inconvenience we bring you! 

Best Regards,
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