Kinetis Debugging Issue

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Hi everybody,
I'm interested in using the Kinetis for a motor control application. The application will require the use of all 8 channels of flexible timer 0 (FTM0) as well as FTM1 and FTM2 to read two separate encoders.
I've noticed that every possible debugger interface, JTAG, cJTAG, SWD, Arm Trace share pins with FTM0. Does this mean its impossible to fully utilize FTM0 as well as run a debugger at the same time?
I'm hoping this is a n00b question with an obvious NO being the answer...

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On Kinetis, a lot of signals come out to two different pins (some signals even have 3 options!), to allow more flexibility with all the muxing possiblities on Kinetis. So based on going through the K60 RM, it looks like all the FTM0 channels also come out on alternative pins not muxed with debug signals.
Look in Section 10.3 of the K60 Reference Manual, and you can see the alternative FTM0 pins starting at pin 104 on the 144 QFP.

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Oh just to clarify I'm using the K60, specifically the TWR-K60N512 development kit.