K82 - how to use RTC to wake up from VLLSx
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I am working with K82 (SDK-2.1).
I am able to switch between different power-modes and use external pin a to wake up from VLLS0.
I am looking for an example how to wake-up from VLLSx mode using the RTC alarm.
I wan not able to find one, can someone help me with this please?
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Using RTC module is quite similar with using LPTMR module to wake up the core from low power mode.
There with the demo (power_manager or power_mode_switch of KSDK software) to using LPTMR to wake up the core from VLLSx low power mode.
Please check attached K60 RTC wake up the core from LLS low power mode bare-metal project software for your reference.
Wish it helps.
Have a great day,
Ma Hui
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Hello Ma Hui,
Thank you for the example project, it helped me understand how to initialize the LLWU (RTC)