I am working on kinetics K22F controller. I am trying to control the I2C(master) with DMA. But the I2C communication is not stopping even if the slave is sending NACK. How can I solve it.

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I am working on kinetics K22F controller. I am trying to control the I2C(master) with DMA. But the I2C communication is not stopping even if the slave is sending NACK. How can I solve it.

Contributor I

I2C DMA #nack K22F frdmk22f #i2cma

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Senior Contributor III


Can you provide more information about your application?  I've implemented I2C with EDMA but not in the situation where the slave can return a NAK (I'm writing to an OLED).  

I'm not an expert on I2C DMA but DMA for the most part is not an intelligent operation - data is sent on the channel without regards to any conditions.  It's up to the developer to ensure that the receiver can take the data without error.  

If you have a case where the receiver can NAK arbitrarily for some reason (ie buffer full) then I think you're going to have to go to an interrupt service routine that intelligently determines whether to resend, wait to resend, restart, wait to continue the I2C data.  

Good luck,


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