Is the full Kinetis Bootloader 1.2.0 package still available for download anywhere on the NXP website?
When following the Link to MCU Bootloader | NXP you can read "The legacy KBOOT downloads are still available on the MCUBOOT downloads tab."
But there is only "Freescale_Kinetis_Bootloader_1.2.0 for KS22 package" which lacks (at least) the sources for blhost.
I am looking for a "as small as possible" blhost tool for flashing a MKL13 device via UART from an i.MX6. Before starting to strip down the blhost tool from MCUBOOT 2.0, I wanted to have a look at the older version with less functionality.
Best regards
Hi Martin,
If you want to use i.MX6 to flashing KL13, Please don't refer to blhost. This project is base on PC. Please download KBOOT2.0.0 package. The project in NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2_0_0\validation\embedded_host use a K65 to flash target MCU.
KL13 has 64k flash maxim. If you feel the memory size is not enough, you can use a simplified bootloader.
Hi Jing,
In my opinion, i.MX6 running Linux is closer to a PC than to a Kinetis K65. Compiling blhost (from the 2.0.0 package) for i.MX6 requires only a very simple bitbake recipe, but the resulting executable is too large for my (very special) purpose.
My request for the 1.2.0 package was driven by the hope for a smaller tool due to fewer features/commands compared to 2.0.0.
I don't need another (simplified) bootloader, KL13 already has a bootloader in ROM and I intend to use it (no Flash required).
I simply need a tool as small as possible "feeding" this bootloader with data.
So I will have a look at the sources of the embedded host and build something on my own - I was hoping to avoid this work...
Best regards,
Hi Jing,
would you please have a look at the MCUBOOT download page --> MCU Bootloader | NXP ?
There is only a 1.2.0 package especially for KS22. I agree, that most probably the blhost tool in there is not a special one. The problem is, that this package only contains the blhost binaries and no sources (validation directory is missing).
Best regards