Hi everyone,
I am testing with the development board FRDM-K64F. I am using embed enablement and find it great to work with, but
now I am afraid that I can't port the library to the Kinetis Design Studio. Has anyone used embed enablement and ported
their test code to the Kinetis Design Studio? If you have, how is this done? Is there documentation?
Thank you,
Neil Porven
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Hi Neil,
These are the steps I followed in order to migrate my project.
1. Right click on the mbed project and select Export Program
2. Click on the drop-down list and select Kinetis Design Studio. Then click on Export
3. A ZIP file will be downloaded. Extract this file to a known location.
4. Open Kinetis Design Studio. On the Project Explorer region, right click and select import.
5. Select Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next
6. Click on Browse and select the location of the uncompressed folder
7. Make sure that your project is checked and click on Finish
After this your project should apear in the Project Explorer
Santiago Lopez -- Connectivity and IoT

Hi Santiago,
Now that I have been able to export the file to a zip file, how do you integrate it to the Kinetis Design Studio?
I tried the import function, but I think I am doing something wrong, the file doesn't appear in the Project Explorer.
Do I have to create a folder in Project Explorer, then import to it?
Thank you.

Hi Neil,
These are the steps I followed in order to migrate my project.
1. Right click on the mbed project and select Export Program
2. Click on the drop-down list and select Kinetis Design Studio. Then click on Export
3. A ZIP file will be downloaded. Extract this file to a known location.
4. Open Kinetis Design Studio. On the Project Explorer region, right click and select import.
5. Select Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next
6. Click on Browse and select the location of the uncompressed folder
7. Make sure that your project is checked and click on Finish
After this your project should apear in the Project Explorer
Santiago Lopez -- Connectivity and IoT

Hi Neil,
There is a tutorial explaining this on the mbed compiler help guide. Go to the compiler and click on the Help icon, then click on the Exporting tab. The last time I checked there was an option for exporting to Kinetis Design Studio.
Please let us know if it worked for you.
Santiago Lopez -- Connectivity and IoT

Hi Santiago,
Unfortunately, I don't see an export feature for the Kinetis Design Studio. I am very surprised sinceFreescale supports/partners with mbed? Is there an alternate way of taking the .h and .c files and library includes to the Kinetis Design Studio?
Saludos,Neil Porven