Task List (FreeRTOS) in KDS 3.2 is not working

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Task List (FreeRTOS) in KDS 3.2 is not working

2,259 次查看
Contributor III



I am trying to run a basic FreeRTOS project in KDS 3.2 with couple of tasks for Kwikstik K40 Ver 5.0.


Project is getting Debugged successfully, but I could not see any tasks in the Task List (FreeRTOS) or Heap Usage (FreeRTOS)


I updated the FreeRTOSConfig.h through components inspector window. I updated the following parameters


Visualization and tracing
Statistic formatting functions 


And as per the directions in one of the forums, I added the Utility.h, Utility.c and PE_KSDK_Types.h from web. But not sure, how to far the files are correct ones.


Please advise on how to see the tasks in the Task List (FreeRTOS) and Heap Usage (FreeRTOS)


I am attaching the project files, Error, Debug Configuration for your reference.


best regards,


1 解答
1,711 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


I cannot try your example, as it is using the SDK 1.x (which is rather old/outdated). I think your problem is as well that you are using an old FreeRTOS too.

I have attached for you a project which works as expected for me:


It uses Processor Expert components (latest release: McuOnEclipse Components: 26-Dec-2017 Release | MCU on Eclipse) with FreeRTOS V10.0.0 (see New FreeRTOS V10.0.0: Amazon, Segger SystemView and Percepio Tracealyzer | MCU on Eclipse).

The project is on GitHub (mcuoneclipse/Examples/KDS/Kwikstik_K40 at master · ErichStyger/mcuoneclipse · GitHub ) and attached as zip file too.

I hope this helps,



4 回复数
1,712 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


I cannot try your example, as it is using the SDK 1.x (which is rather old/outdated). I think your problem is as well that you are using an old FreeRTOS too.

I have attached for you a project which works as expected for me:


It uses Processor Expert components (latest release: McuOnEclipse Components: 26-Dec-2017 Release | MCU on Eclipse) with FreeRTOS V10.0.0 (see New FreeRTOS V10.0.0: Amazon, Segger SystemView and Percepio Tracealyzer | MCU on Eclipse).

The project is on GitHub (mcuoneclipse/Examples/KDS/Kwikstik_K40 at master · ErichStyger/mcuoneclipse · GitHub ) and attached as zip file too.

I hope this helps,


1,711 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Erich,

Thanks very much for the advice. I downloaded the components, imported and executed your sample project. It worked just perfect. I could see the tasks in the Tasks List (FreeRTOS) and Heap Usage (FreeRTOS).

Besides, I got few questions related to that. Image is attached.

1. I could see only main() thread, not the idle thread as it appearing in your image.

2. Keep getting an error saying that "Can't find the source file at "path...".

3. How can I make this component as my default one for all new projects?

Later, I tried running few times and I ended up in the error as shown in the second image.

Please help me in this regard.

best regards,



Error appeared later:


0 项奖励
1,711 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

1) is probably because you are using an outdated version of the Segger drivers/libraries. See Updating Segger Tools in Eclipse Kinetis Design Studio | MCU on Eclipse  how to update them.

2) make sure you have cleaned your project (Project > Clean) after an import.

3) not sure what you mean with 'default', but you can always use that FreeRTOS component. But you cannot replace the built-in ones.

As a general advise, have a read at Better FreeRTOS Debugging in Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse 

I hope this helps,


1,711 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Erich,

Thanks for the solution.

One of my friend gave me his FRDM-K64F and asked me to use MCUXpresso IDE as there are more applications and support available for the board and IDE.

Since, I did not do much work with Kwikstik-k40, I also liked his idea and just started with K64 board.

Would you like to give me any advice on this.

best regards,


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