Register accessor macros and Register accessor macros are missing

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Register accessor macros and Register accessor macros are missing

2,089 次查看
Contributor I

Hi, Currently our firmware development team has started working with the microcontroller MK10FN1M0VLQ12 but when we created the project in KDS in the file MK10F12.h we noticed that the Register accessor macros and Register accessor macros are missing.
What can we do?

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1 解答
1,683 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Eduardo,

MK22F is new generation Kinetis chip which release date is almost 2 years later than MK10F.

The newer MK22F header file can be compatible with more company's compilers.

Register accessor macros were added to the MK22F memory map on Oct,2013, while MK10F header file has stopped to be updated since June, 2013. That's  the reason why Register accessor macros was not added to MK10F header file.

If user wants to define Register accessor macros in MK10F header file, user have to define it by self.

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!


3 回复数
1,683 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Can you please specify what Register accessor macros and Register accessor macros missing in MK10F12.h?

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

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1,683 次查看
Contributor I

For example in MK22F51212.h in the GPIO Peripheral Access Layer section

/** GPIO - Register Layout Typedef */
typedef struct {
  __IO uint32_t PDOR;                              /**< Port Data Output Register, offset: 0x0 */
  __O  uint32_t PSOR;                              /**< Port Set Output Register, offset: 0x4 */
  __O  uint32_t PCOR;                              /**< Port Clear Output Register, offset: 0x8 */
  __O  uint32_t PTOR;                              /**< Port Toggle Output Register, offset: 0xC */
  __I  uint32_t PDIR;                              /**< Port Data Input Register, offset: 0x10 */
  __IO uint32_t PDDR;                              /**< Port Data Direction Register, offset: 0x14 */
} GPIO_Type, *GPIO_MemMapPtr;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- GPIO - Register accessor macros
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * @addtogroup GPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros GPIO - Register accessor macros
 * @{

/* GPIO - Register accessors */
#define GPIO_PDOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PDOR)
#define GPIO_PSOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PSOR)
#define GPIO_PCOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PCOR)
#define GPIO_PTOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PTOR)
#define GPIO_PDIR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PDIR)
#define GPIO_PDDR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PDDR)

 * @}
 */ /* end of group GPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- GPIO Register Masks
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * @addtogroup GPIO_Register_Masks GPIO Register Masks
 * @{

/* PDOR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PDOR_PDO_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PDOR_PDO_SHIFT                      0
#define GPIO_PDOR_PDO_WIDTH                      32
#define GPIO_PDOR_PDO(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PDOR_PDO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PDOR_PDO_MASK)
/* PSOR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_SHIFT                     0
#define GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_WIDTH                     32
#define GPIO_PSOR_PTSO(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_MASK)
/* PCOR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_SHIFT                     0
#define GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_WIDTH                     32
#define GPIO_PCOR_PTCO(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_MASK)
/* PTOR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_SHIFT                     0
#define GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_WIDTH                     32
#define GPIO_PTOR_PTTO(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_MASK)
/* PDIR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PDIR_PDI_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PDIR_PDI_SHIFT                      0
#define GPIO_PDIR_PDI_WIDTH                      32
#define GPIO_PDIR_PDI(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PDIR_PDI_SHIFT))&GPIO_PDIR_PDI_MASK)
/* PDDR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PDDR_PDD_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PDDR_PDD_SHIFT                      0
#define GPIO_PDDR_PDD_WIDTH                      32
#define GPIO_PDDR_PDD(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PDDR_PDD_SHIFT))&GPIO_PDDR_PDD_MASK)

 * @}
 */ /* end of group GPIO_Register_Masks */

/* GPIO - Peripheral instance base addresses */
/** Peripheral PTA base address */
#define PTA_BASE                                 (0x400FF000u)
/** Peripheral PTA base pointer */
#define PTA                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTA_BASE)
#define PTA_BASE_PTR                             (PTA)
/** Peripheral PTB base address */
#define PTB_BASE                                 (0x400FF040u)
/** Peripheral PTB base pointer */
#define PTB                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTB_BASE)
#define PTB_BASE_PTR                             (PTB)
/** Peripheral PTC base address */
#define PTC_BASE                                 (0x400FF080u)
/** Peripheral PTC base pointer */
#define PTC                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTC_BASE)
#define PTC_BASE_PTR                             (PTC)
/** Peripheral PTD base address */
#define PTD_BASE                                 (0x400FF0C0u)
/** Peripheral PTD base pointer */
#define PTD                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTD_BASE)
#define PTD_BASE_PTR                             (PTD)
/** Peripheral PTE base address */
#define PTE_BASE                                 (0x400FF100u)
/** Peripheral PTE base pointer */
#define PTE                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTE_BASE)
#define PTE_BASE_PTR                             (PTE)
/** Array initializer of GPIO peripheral base addresses */
#define GPIO_BASE_ADDRS                          { PTA_BASE, PTB_BASE, PTC_BASE, PTD_BASE, PTE_BASE }
/** Array initializer of GPIO peripheral base pointers */
#define GPIO_BASE_PTRS                           { PTA, PTB, PTC, PTD, PTE }

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- GPIO - Register accessor macros
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * @addtogroup GPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros GPIO - Register accessor macros
 * @{

/* GPIO - Register instance definitions */
/* PTA */
#define GPIOA_PDOR                               GPIO_PDOR_REG(PTA)
#define GPIOA_PSOR                               GPIO_PSOR_REG(PTA)
#define GPIOA_PCOR                               GPIO_PCOR_REG(PTA)
#define GPIOA_PTOR                               GPIO_PTOR_REG(PTA)
#define GPIOA_PDIR                               GPIO_PDIR_REG(PTA)
#define GPIOA_PDDR                               GPIO_PDDR_REG(PTA)
/* PTB */
#define GPIOB_PDOR                               GPIO_PDOR_REG(PTB)
#define GPIOB_PSOR                               GPIO_PSOR_REG(PTB)
#define GPIOB_PCOR                               GPIO_PCOR_REG(PTB)
#define GPIOB_PTOR                               GPIO_PTOR_REG(PTB)
#define GPIOB_PDIR                               GPIO_PDIR_REG(PTB)
#define GPIOB_PDDR                               GPIO_PDDR_REG(PTB)
/* PTC */
#define GPIOC_PDOR                               GPIO_PDOR_REG(PTC)
#define GPIOC_PSOR                               GPIO_PSOR_REG(PTC)
#define GPIOC_PCOR                               GPIO_PCOR_REG(PTC)
#define GPIOC_PTOR                               GPIO_PTOR_REG(PTC)
#define GPIOC_PDIR                               GPIO_PDIR_REG(PTC)
#define GPIOC_PDDR                               GPIO_PDDR_REG(PTC)
/* PTD */
#define GPIOD_PDOR                               GPIO_PDOR_REG(PTD)
#define GPIOD_PSOR                               GPIO_PSOR_REG(PTD)
#define GPIOD_PCOR                               GPIO_PCOR_REG(PTD)
#define GPIOD_PTOR                               GPIO_PTOR_REG(PTD)
#define GPIOD_PDIR                               GPIO_PDIR_REG(PTD)
#define GPIOD_PDDR                               GPIO_PDDR_REG(PTD)
/* PTE */
#define GPIOE_PDOR                               GPIO_PDOR_REG(PTE)
#define GPIOE_PSOR                               GPIO_PSOR_REG(PTE)
#define GPIOE_PCOR                               GPIO_PCOR_REG(PTE)
#define GPIOE_PTOR                               GPIO_PTOR_REG(PTE)
#define GPIOE_PDIR                               GPIO_PDIR_REG(PTE)
#define GPIOE_PDDR                               GPIO_PDDR_REG(PTE)

 * @}
 */ /* end of group GPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros */

 * @}
 */ /* end of group GPIO_Peripheral_Access_Layer */

And in the MK10F12.h is so

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- GPIO Peripheral Access Layer
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * @addtogroup GPIO_Peripheral_Access_Layer GPIO Peripheral Access Layer
 * @{

/** GPIO - Register Layout Typedef */
typedef struct {
  __IO uint32_t PDOR;                              /**< Port Data Output Register, offset: 0x0 */
  __O  uint32_t PSOR;                              /**< Port Set Output Register, offset: 0x4 */
  __O  uint32_t PCOR;                              /**< Port Clear Output Register, offset: 0x8 */
  __O  uint32_t PTOR;                              /**< Port Toggle Output Register, offset: 0xC */
  __I  uint32_t PDIR;                              /**< Port Data Input Register, offset: 0x10 */
  __IO uint32_t PDDR;                              /**< Port Data Direction Register, offset: 0x14 */
} GPIO_Type;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- GPIO Register Masks
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * @addtogroup GPIO_Register_Masks GPIO Register Masks
 * @{

/* PDOR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PDOR_PDO_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PDOR_PDO_SHIFT                      0
#define GPIO_PDOR_PDO(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PDOR_PDO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PDOR_PDO_MASK)
/* PSOR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_SHIFT                     0
#define GPIO_PSOR_PTSO(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_MASK)
/* PCOR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_SHIFT                     0
#define GPIO_PCOR_PTCO(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_MASK)
/* PTOR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_SHIFT                     0
#define GPIO_PTOR_PTTO(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_MASK)
/* PDIR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PDIR_PDI_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PDIR_PDI_SHIFT                      0
#define GPIO_PDIR_PDI(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PDIR_PDI_SHIFT))&GPIO_PDIR_PDI_MASK)
/* PDDR Bit Fields */
#define GPIO_PDDR_PDD_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
#define GPIO_PDDR_PDD_SHIFT                      0
#define GPIO_PDDR_PDD(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PDDR_PDD_SHIFT))&GPIO_PDDR_PDD_MASK)

 * @}
 */ /* end of group GPIO_Register_Masks */

/* GPIO - Peripheral instance base addresses */
/** Peripheral PTA base address */
#define PTA_BASE                                 (0x400FF000u)
/** Peripheral PTA base pointer */
#define PTA                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTA_BASE)
/** Peripheral PTB base address */
#define PTB_BASE                                 (0x400FF040u)
/** Peripheral PTB base pointer */
#define PTB                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTB_BASE)
/** Peripheral PTC base address */
#define PTC_BASE                                 (0x400FF080u)
/** Peripheral PTC base pointer */
#define PTC                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTC_BASE)
/** Peripheral PTD base address */
#define PTD_BASE                                 (0x400FF0C0u)
/** Peripheral PTD base pointer */
#define PTD                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTD_BASE)
/** Peripheral PTE base address */
#define PTE_BASE                                 (0x400FF100u)
/** Peripheral PTE base pointer */
#define PTE                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTE_BASE)
/** Peripheral PTF base address */
#define PTF_BASE                                 (0x400FF140u)
/** Peripheral PTF base pointer */
#define PTF                                      ((GPIO_Type *)PTF_BASE)
/** Array initializer of GPIO peripheral base pointers */
#define GPIO_BASES                               { PTA, PTB, PTC, PTD, PTE, PTF }

 * @}
 */ /* end of group GPIO_Peripheral_Access_Layer */

0 项奖励
1,684 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Eduardo,

MK22F is new generation Kinetis chip which release date is almost 2 years later than MK10F.

The newer MK22F header file can be compatible with more company's compilers.

Register accessor macros were added to the MK22F memory map on Oct,2013, while MK10F header file has stopped to be updated since June, 2013. That's  the reason why Register accessor macros was not added to MK10F header file.

If user wants to define Register accessor macros in MK10F header file, user have to define it by self.

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!