Normally when debugging you need to know the status of your registers in the Embsys Registers section. Most of the time when a board or chip are just released you are not able to select them (because they're not available) and therefore it makes it more difficult for you to debug.
In this document I will guide you through the process for adding any chip you are working with to EmbSys Registers section.
1. First of all it is needed to know where the Embsys Registers' Folder is located. Go to the folder where KDS is installed.
2. Go to eclipse folder.
3. \org.eclipse.cdt.embsysregview.data_0.2.4.freescale
4. \data
6. \Freescale
8. Finally this folder contains XML files, these files can be processed purely as data by the program.
To add a new XML file which describes the new chip:
1. go to your chip's package (In my case \
Note: If you don't know where to build a package, please go to the following post:
2. \\devices
3. \\devices\MKL28Z7
As you can see, the MKL28Z7 is not available in EmbsysRegView.
Locate the XML and copy it to the route:
Paste it in Freescale's folder:
Go to EmbSysRegView again and now it will be available
Restart Kinetis Design Studio and you'll be able to see your chip's registers:
By Ivan Ruiz.