I am using an frdm-k22f board, but even if the device is connected and visible to the pc it does not work with freeMaster.
I have followed the instructions on the website for getting started with freeMaster but I did not manage to make it work.
Is there something not reported there that I should do the enable communications in the freeMaster aplication? Some other suggestions?
thank you in advance.
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Dear Federico,
there are some FreeMASTER demo applications included in the ISSDK middleware of the MCUXpresso SDK. I was not able to find a demo for FXLS8974CF, but I have found this support thread which seems to address this issue: https://community.nxp.com/t5/Sensors/Can-not-found-a-working-ISSDK-for-FXLS8974CF/m-p/1357935#M6721
Please start a new support thread in the Sensors forum if not successful. You can mark this one as resolved.
Dear Federico,
just to make sure your board and connection is okay, you can follow these steps to make it working:
- Visit https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/ and get the SDK package version 2.10 built for FRDM-K22F.
- Don't forget to include the FreeMASTER middleware in the package and also select your favourite toolchain.
- Download and unzip the SDK package. In case of MCUXpresso IDE, import the SDK package to the IDE.
- Import the boards/frdmk22f/freemaster_examples/fmstr_uart demo project into your IDE.
- Build and run on board.
- Connect with FreeMASTER and run the "Connection Wizard" available at the welcome page.
- Select serial communication and scan the COM ports of your PC. The board should be detected.
- Open the "FreeMASTER Demonstration Project".
The screenshots should give you some guidance. If you have any more specific issue, please describe your setup.
Thank you.
I managed to make it work and now everything seems correct.
My next step would be using the nfrdm-k22f to evaluate the FXLS8974CF accelerometer model.
Is there a suggested demo on freeMaster?
Federico Pantanella
Dear Federico,
there are some FreeMASTER demo applications included in the ISSDK middleware of the MCUXpresso SDK. I was not able to find a demo for FXLS8974CF, but I have found this support thread which seems to address this issue: https://community.nxp.com/t5/Sensors/Can-not-found-a-working-ISSDK-for-FXLS8974CF/m-p/1357935#M6721
Please start a new support thread in the Sensors forum if not successful. You can mark this one as resolved.