MCU-Link firmware v.3xxx uses WinUSB - compatibility issue with FreeMASTER 3.2 and older

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MCU-Link firmware v.3xxx uses WinUSB - compatibility issue with FreeMASTER 3.2 and older

MCU-Link firmware v.3xxx uses WinUSB - compatibility issue with FreeMASTER 3.2 and older

Along with the release of MCUXpresso 11.7.0 (Jan 2023) there was and also an update to the MCU-Link debug probe firmware (version 3.108). We changed the major version number for this MCU-Link firmware release because it marks an update to be based on CMSIS-DAP 2.1, meaning the probe now enumerates as a WinUSB device instead of a USB HID device. 

At the time of publishing this article, FreeMASTER 3.2 is the latest release and this version of the tool does not support SWD/JTAG connections over WinUSB. For that reason, please continue to use version 2.263 of the MCU-Link firmware if you want to use this type of interface with FreeMASTER. Note that the USB bridges to SPI, I2C and UART (VCOM) are still based on HID with the MCU-Link firmware, so if you are using only those interfaces via MCU-Link then you can update the firmware without hitting problems.

We are working on support for WinUSB for the SWD/JTAG connection with FreeMASTER and will post more information once this is available.

#FreeMASTER #MCU-Link #MCUXpressoIDE

‎02-01-2023 03:57 PM