FRDM Training Hub

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FRDM Training Hub


GoPoint   GoPoint is a user-friendly application that allows the user to launch preselected demonstrations included in the NXP provided BSP and follows the quarterly release roadmap for BSP How to launch GoPoint     GoPoint Demo On FRDM-IMX93 Board Since FRDM-IMX93 board’s BSP is based on standard BSP release, GoPoint is included in FRDM-IMX93 Yocto build by default. List of 9 demos available on FRDM-IMX93 Board: Image Classification Object Detection Selfie Segmenter i.MX Smart Fitness DMS (Driver Monitor System) ML Benchmark Video Test i.MX Smart Kitchen i.MX E-Bike VIT   Image Classification Demo Image classification is a ML task that attempts to comprehend an entire image as a whole. The goal is to classify the image by assigning it to a specific label. Typically, it refers to images in which only one object appears and is analyzed. This example is using NNStreamer.            Object Detection Demo Object detection is the ML task that detects instances of objects of a certain class within an image. A bounding box and a class label are found for each detected object. This example is using NNStreamer.        Selfie Segmenter Demo Selfie Segmenter showcases the ML capabilities of i.MX 93 by using the NPU to accelerate an instance segmentation model. This model lets you segment the portrait of a person and can be used to replace or modify the background of an image. This example is using NNStreamer.         i.MX Smart Fitness Demo i.MX Smart Fitness showcases the i.MX' Machine Learning capabilities by using an NPU to accelerate two Deep Learning vision-based models. Together, these models detect a person present in the scene and predict 33 3D-keypoints to generate a complete body landmark, known as pose estimation. From the pose estimation, the application tracks the 'squats' fitness exercise.          DMS (Driver Monitor System) Demo This application showcases the capability of implementing DMS on i.MX 93 platform, and the performance boost brought by Neural Processing Unit (NPU). DMS uses four ML models in total to achieve face detection, capturing face landmark and iris landmark, smoking detection and calling detection.         ML Benchmark Demo This example is based on benchmark_model tool in Tensorflow Lite framework, which allows to easily compare the performance of TensorFlow Lite models running on CPU (Cortex-A) and NPU.   Video Test Demo This is a simple demo that allows users to play back video captured on a camera or a test source. It’s based on gstreamer pipeline.            i.MX Smart Kitchen Demo i.MX Smart Kitchen showcases the Multimedia capabilities of i.MX to emulate an interactive kitchen through a GUI controlled by voice commands. The GUI is based on LVGL (Little Versatile Graphic Library) and NXP's Voice Intelligent Technology (VIT) supports the voice commands. Usage: Keyword + command       i.MX E-Bike VIT Demo i.MX E-Bike VIT showcases the Multimedia capabilities of i.MX to emulate an interactive ebike through a GUI controlled by voice commands. The GUI is based on LVGL (Little Versatile Graphic Library) and NXP's Voice Intelligent Technology (VIT) supports the voice commands. Usage: Keyword + command         Useful Link GoPoint User Guide: GoPoint repo: (Including source code of demo: Selfie Segmenter, DMS, ML benchmark, Video test) Image Classification/Object Detection: i.MX Smart Fitness: i.MX Smart Kitchen: i.MX E-Bike VIT:
FRDM-IMX93 Yocto Release - BSP  Based on i.MX SW 2024 Q3 release Linux kernel: 6.6.36_2.1.0 u-boot: 2024.04 Source: FRDM-IMX93 BSP changes: U-boot: Add basic support for FRDM-IMX93 Kernel: Add basic support for FRDM-IMX93 and add support for kinds of accessories GoPoint: Add FRDM-IMX93 support FRDM-IMX93 Yocto layer: Add Yocto layer for FRDM-IMX93 and integrate u-boot/kernel/GoPoint patches    FRDM-IMX93 accessories 7 inch Waveshare LCD: imx93-11x11-frdm-dsi.dtb 5 inch Tianma LCD: imx93-11x11-frdm-tianma-wvga-panel.dtb RPi-CAM-MIPI: imx93-11x11-frdm.dtb RPI-CAM-INTB: imx93-11x11-frdm-mt9m114.dtb MX93AUD-HAT or MX93AUD-HAT + 8MIC-RPI-MX8: imx93-11x11-frdm-aud-hat.dtb 8MIC-RPI-MX8: imx93-11x11-frdm-8mic.dtb   LCD Panel Vender Interface Size Resolution Support Touch Purchase Link dtb T050RDH03-HC Tianma 24 bit Parallel 5" 800 x 480 No Will launch with MX91 EVK in Dec'24 imx93-11x11-frdm-tianma-wvga-panel.dtb 7inch Capacitive Touch IPS Display for Raspberry Pi, with Protection Case, 1024×600, DSI Interface Waveshare MIPI DSI 7" 1024x600 Yes Click Here imx93-11x11-frdm-dsi.dtb Camera Vender Interface Size Resolution Sensor Purchase Link dtb RPI-CAM-MIPI onsemi MIPI CSI  1/4-inch 1M pixel, 1280H x 800V AR0144 Click Here imx93-11x11-frdm.dtb RPI-CAM-INTB   Parallel Camera 40pins 1/6-inch 1.26 Mpixel 1296H × 976V MT9M114 Will launch with MX91 EVK in Dec'24 imx93-11x11-frdm-mt9m114.dtb Audio Vender Interface Channel     Purchase Link dtb MX93AUD-HAT Cirrus 40pins 8     Click Here imx93-11x11-frdm-aud-hat.dtb 8MIC-RPI-MX8 NXP 40pins 8     Click Here imx93-11x11-frdm-8mic.dtb   FRDM-IMX93 Yocto Release Usage Download i.MX SW 2024 Q3 Release: $ repo init -u -b imx-linux-scarthgap -m imx-6.6.36-2.1.0.xml $ repo sync Integrate FRDM-IMX93 layer into Yocto code base: $ cd ${MY_YOCTO}/sources $ git clone Yocto Project Setup: $ MACHINE=imx93frdm DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland source sources/meta-imx-frdm/tools/ -b frdm-imx93 Build images: $ bitbake imx-image-full Flashing SD card image: $ zstdcat imx-image-full-imx93frdm.rootfs.wic.zst | sudo dd of=/dev/sdb bs=1M && sync Using uuu to burn image and rootfs to SD: $ uuu -b sd_all imx-image-full-imx93frdm.rootfs.wic.zst   FRDM-IMX93 Yocto Release – Matter support Based on i.MX Matter 2024 Q3 Usage: −Download i.MX SW 2024 Q3 Release; $ repo init -u -b imx-linux-scarthgap -m imx-6.6.36-2.1.0.xml $ repo sync −Download i.MX Matter 2024 Q3; $ cd ${MY_YOCTO}/sources/meta-nxp-connectivity $ git remote update $ git checkout imx_matter_2024_q3 −Download FRDM-IMX93 Layer: $ cd ${MY_YOCTO}/sources $ git clone −Yocto Project Setup: $ MACHINE=imx93frdm-iwxxx-matter DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland source sources/meta-imx-frdm/tools/ bld-xwayland-imx93 −Build images: $ bitbake imx-image-multimedia     FRDM-MX93 Debian Release Debian is a free Operating System (OS), also known as Debian GNU/Linux. i.MX Debian Linux SDK distribution is a combination of NXP-provided kernel and boot loaders with a Debian distro user-space image. −Debian 12 −NXP packages are based i.MX SW Release 2024 Q3 i.MX Debian Linux SDK distribution uses Flexbuild to build system. −Debian-based RootFS; Debian Base (basic packages) Debian Server (more packages without GUI Desktop) Debian Desktop (with GNOME GUI Desktop) −Linux kernel; −BSP components; −various  applications (graphics, multimedia, networking, connectivity, security, and AI/ML); Source: Introduction:  Quick Start with Debian Flexbuild compiles and assembles the distro images as three parts: BSP firmware image Boot image RootFS image Creating an SD card on the Linux host Download flex-installer −$ wget −$ chmod +x flex-installer; sudo mv flex-installer /usr/bin Plug the SD card into the Linux host and install the images as below: −$ flex-installer -i pf -d /dev/sdb (format SD card) −$ flex-installer -i auto -d /dev/mmcblk1 -m imx93frdm (automatically download and install images) Plug the SD card into the i.MX board and install the extra packages as follows: −$ dhclient -i end0 (setup Ethernet network interface by DHCP or setting it manually) −$ date -s "22 Nov 2024 09:00:00" (setting correct system time is required) −$ debian-post-install-pkg desktop (install extra packages for GNOME GUI Desktop version) −or −$ debian-post-install-pkg server (install extra packages for Server version without GUI Desktop) −# After finishing the installation, run the reboot command to boot up the Debian Desktop/Server system.   Building Debian Images with Flexbuild Run the following commands for the first time to set up the build environment: −$ git clone −$ cd flexbuild && . setup.env −#Continue to run commands below in case  you need to  build in Docker due to lack of Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 12 host −$ bld docker (create or attach a docker container) −$ . setup.env   Flexbuild usage: −$ bld -m imx93frdm (build all images for imx93frdm) −$ bld uboot -m imx93frdm (compile u-boot image for imx93frdm) −$ bld linux (compile linux kernel for all arm64 i.MX machines) −$ bld bsp -m imx93frdm (generate BSP firmware) −$ bld boot (generate boot partition tarball including kernel, dtb, modules, distro bootscript for iMX machines) −$ bld multimedia (build multimedia components for i.MX platforms) −$ bld rfs -r debian:base (generate Debian base rootfs with base packages) −$ bld apps -r debian:server (compile apps against runtime dependencies of Debian server RootFS) −$ bld merge-apps -r debian:server (merge iMX-specific apps into target Debian server RootFS) −$ bld packrfs (pack and compress target rootfs)   Related Documentation   FRDM-IMX93 Documents: FRDM-IMX93 Quick Start Guide FRDM-IMX93 Board User Manual FRDM-IMX93 Software User Guide  More information about i.MX productions can be found at( i.MX Yocto Project User’s Guide​ i.MX Linux User’s Guide​ i.MX Linux Reference Manual​ i.MX Porting Guide Debian documents at i.MX Debian Linux SDK User Guide
FRDM-IMX93 development boards are the first FRDM development board with i.MX MPUs and include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules and support for Debian, Yocto and GoPoint which will help you to develop your industrial and IoT applications quickly with NXP's developer experience.   FRDM-IMX93 Applications Low-cost development board usage, Bi-annual BSP release for Debian Yearly BSP release for Yocto.   Get to know FRDM-IMX 93 Development Board       Specifications 2x Arm Cortex®-A55 + Cortex®-M33 Wi-Fi 6 + BT + 802.15.4 Module on-board, IW612 2x GB Ethernet (1xETER, 1xTSN) MIPI-CSI/DSI, HDMI M.2 Connector LPDDR4X 16-bit 2GB eMMC 5.1, 32GB MicroSD 3.0 card slot 3x USB 2.0 Type-C connector (one for Debug, one PD only) + 1x USB 2.0 Type-A RTC, Buttons and LED     Feature FRDM-IMX93 eMMC 32GB DRAM Micron 2GB PMIC PCA9451A WiFi Module u-blox MAYA-W276 on-board USB TYPE C Type-C+Type-A ENET 2xGbE M.2 (Key E) SDIO WiFi / BT Y (rework needed) HDMI IT6263/Y MIPI DSI Panel 22 Pins FPC HDR LVDS Panel N MIPI CSI camera 22 Pins FPC HDR 2x20 Expansion Interface Y CAN BUS Y MicroSD Y UART Y Audio  MQS Remote Debug N NXP Connector (CAN,ADC, I2C) Y Power Connector Type-C PCB layers 10 Base Board DIM 6.5x10.5cm   NXP Devices On-Board PMIC PCA9451A USB PD TCPC PHY IC PTN5110 High-Voltage USB PD Power Switch NX20P5090UK IIC  Extends  GPIO PCAL6524/PCAL6408A CAN Transceiver TJA1051T/3 USB Sink & Source combo power switch  NX20P3483UK USB Type-C CC and SBU Protection IC  NX20P0407 Real-time clock/calendar PCF2131 Wi-Fi, BT, 802.15.4 Tri-Radio IW612 (in u-blox Module)   Expansion Boards   RPI-CAM-MIPI: IAS camera to 22 Pins FPC camera adapter TM050RDH03-41: LCD display module 5” TFT 800X480, RGB, 120.7 mm x75.8 mm7inch Waveshare 7'' DSI LCD: 7inch Capacitive Touch, 1024×600 MX93AUD-HAT: Audio expansion board with multiple features ​8MIC-RPI-MX8: 8-microphone array proto board for voice enablement   Trainings FRDM-IMX93 SW Release Package GoPoint Demo On FRDM-IMX93   Documentation  −FRDM-IMX93 Quick Start Guide −FRDM-IMX93 Board User Manual -FRDM-IMX93 Software User Guide   Useful Links −i.MX Yocto Project User’s Guide​ −i.MX Linux User’s Guide ​−i.MX Linux Reference Manual​ −i.MX Porting Guide -i.MX Debian Linux SDK User Guide
Prerequisites  Hardware  FRDM-RW612 evaluation board  USB-C Cable Software Visual Studio Code VS Code Serial Terminal Software: Tera Term You can use any serial terminal you have, but we are using Tera Term for the training slides LCD-PAR-S035 display  Step by Step instructions document is here  Step by Step video:
Prerequisites  Hardware  FRDM-RW612 evaluation board  USB-C Cable Mobile phone (Android or IOS) Software Visual Studio Code VS Code Serial Terminal Software: Tera Term You can use any serial terminal you have, but we are using Tera Term for the training slides IoT Toolboox App Available for Android and iPhone app stores. Step by Step instructions document is here Step by Step video:
Prerequisites  Hardware  FRDM-RW612 evaluation board  USB-C cable Software Visual Studio Code VS Code FRDM-RW612 SDK Serial Terminal Software: Tera Term You can use any serial terminal you have, but we are using Tera Term for the training slides Step by Step instructions document is here Step by Step video:
Prerequisites  Hardware  FRDM-RW612 evaluation board  USB-C Cable Software Visual Studio Code VS Code Serial Terminal Software: Tera Term You can use any serial terminal you have, but we are using Tera Term for the training slides Step by Step instructions document is here Step by Step video:    
    Step by Step video:
  The RW61x is a highly integrated, low-power tri-radio wireless MCU with an integrated MCU and Wi-Fi ®  6 + Bluetooth ®  Low Energy (LE) 5.4 / 802.15.4 radios designed for a broad array of applications, including connected smart home devices, enterprise and industrial automation, smart accessories and smart energy. The RW612 MCU subsystem includes a 260 MHz Arm ®  Cortex ® -M33 core with Trustzone ™ -M, 1.2 MB on-chip SRAM and a high-bandwidth Quad SPI interface with an on-the-fly decryption engine for securely accessing off-chip XIP flash. The RW612 includes a full-featured 1x1 dual-band (2.4 GHz/5 GHz) 20 MHz Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) subsystem bringing higher throughput, better network efficiency, lower latency and improved range over previous generation Wi-Fi standards. The Bluetooth LE radio supports 2 Mbit/s high-speed data rate, long range and extended advertising. The on-chip 802.15.4 radio can support the latest Thread mesh networking protocol. In addition, the RW612 can support Matter over Wi-Fi or Matter over Thread offering a common, interoperable application layer across ecosystems and products. Hands-On Trainings Introduction to RW61x and FRDM-RW612 Quick introduction to RW61x family, module offering and FRDM-RW612 evaluation board FRDM-RW612 Out of the Box Experience Wi-Fi CLI (Command Line Interface) demo provides the user with a menu with different commands to explore the Wi-Fi capabilities of the FRDM RW612 board. When the board is powered on for the first time, the green RGB LED should be blinking indicating that the demo is loaded into the board. FRDM-RW612 Getting Started. Wi-Fi CLI on VS Code This lab guides you step by step on how to get started with FRD-RW612 board using Visual Studio Code  FRDM-RW612 BLE Sensors over Zephyr This demo shows the temperature from the i2c temperature sensor integrated in the board. This demo is based on Zephyr RTOS. The information can be monitored in the UART terminal or in the IoT Toolbox app. FRDM-RW612 Kitchen Timer using Low-cost LCD This lab shows how to modify a Kitchen Timer graphical application using LCD-PAR-S035 display Changing the date and button colors. The timer can also be viewed on a serial terminal.
MCX W series are secure, wireless MCUs designed to enable more compact, scalable and innovative designs for the next generation of smart and secure connected devices. The MCX W series, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M33, offers a unified range of pin-compatible multiprotocol wireless MCUs for Matter™, Thread®, Bluetooth® Low Energy and Zigbee®. MCX W enables interoperable and innovative smart home devices, building automation sensors and controls and smart energy products.   MCX W71 Hands on Training   FRDM-MCXW71: NBU and User Firmware Update Using ISP       This hands-on describes how to update the code in NBU and the User firmware using the ISP. FRDM-MXCW71: Recognize NBU Incompatible Versions            The objective in this hands-on, is to learn how to recognize when the NBU firmware does not match with the SDK version. FRDM-MCXW71: Run Hello World SDK Demo           In this lab we will first import the MCUXpresso SDK for the MCX W71 Freedom board into MCUXpresso IDE and then we will build, flash and debug the hello world project to make sure the environment is set for the following Labs. FRDM-MCXW71: Run Blinky LED SDK Demo          In this lab we make some experience with the FRDM-MCXW71 board using the SDK project to implement a simple LED blinking. Once we will get familiar with the example project, we will integrate simple modifications FRDM-MCXW71: Wireless UART IoT Toolbox Demo          Goal of this lab is to show the SDK example implementing the wireless UART profile and we will move forward in making some meaningful modifications to the example itself with the goal to show where in the code the end user should enter the relevant application software for the application. FRDM-MCXW71: Low Power Reference Desing SDK Demo          This hands-on describes how to run the Low Power Reference Design demo on FRDM-MCXW71. Two low-power reference design applications are provided in the SDK reference_design folder, these applications aim at providing: • A reference design application for low power/timing optimization on a Bluetooth Low Energy application. These can be used in first intent for porting a new application on low power. • A way for measuring the power consumption, wake-up time, and active time in various power modes.   MCX W72 Hands on Training  Coming Soon!     Wireless Connectivity Trainings Bluetooth Low Energy  Introduction to Thread Network
MCXW71 is a three-core platform that integrates a Cortex-M33 application core (CM33), a dedicated Cortex-M3 radio core, and an isolated EdgeLock Secure Enclave. The radio core, also called as Narrow Band Unit (NBU) features a Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) unit with a dedicated flash. The memories integrated in the NBU consist of Bluetooth LE controller stack and radio drivers. On MCXW71, only boot ROM has access to the NBU flash. The ROM bootloader provides an in-system programming (ISP) utility that operates over a serial connection on the microcontroller units (MCUs) This hands-on describes how to update the code in NBU and the User firmware using the ISP. Lab guide: FRDM-MCXW71_NBU_and_User_Firmware_Update_Using_ISP