click the following link, you will find the menu as screenshot, then click "Software & Hardware Tools", you will enter another menu, which will enable you order the wireless charger transmitter/receiver board" on-line.
Xiangjun Rong
Wireless Charging ICs|Freescale
Hi, Hadeel,
I have checked the MC56F8006 and an4705, wireless charger application needs ADC to test the input voltage, input current and coil input current and coil input voltage on the transmitter side, the application needs multiple analog channels. The MC56F8006 has one ADC module with multiple analog channels.
Now, we have dedicated wireless charger processor and solution, pls refer to the website:
Wireless Charging ICs|Freescale
If you need the solution of wireless charger, pls contact local freescale FAE.
XiangJun Rong
Hi XiangJun Rong,
thank you for your help...
but I have a question.. can I order the solution online? if so please tell me how to do that.
Hi Hadeel,
Wireless charging is not part of Wireless Connectivity, please check the categories of this section.
I think that you can address your question to either Kinetis or Sensors categories.