Which TCP/IP stack do you use with 5223x?

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Which TCP/IP stack do you use with 5223x?

Contributor II
opentcp, interniche, lwip, uip, or others? Pros, cons, etc?
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2 Replies

Specialist V
Don't forget:

Operating system, TCP/IP stack and device drivers [incl. CAN, DMA, Low Power, HTTP boot loader and more] - free for non-commercial work, fully supported and unique chip simulator. Runs on M5223X or NE64 simply by changing a compiler flag.

I can answer any questions about it.

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Contributor I
 I´m using the default interniche provided by freescale´s site. I don´t know if it´s good or not, but i notice it´s much different from what i´m used to work. I work with rabbit mcu for about 4 years, so i have done a lot of amazing things related to embedded networking with mcu´s, but now it´s time to move on and i chosed coldfire since it´s a really good mcu, very very different from rabbit3000 and much better.
 But the networking development with coldfire it´s giving me some headaches for now. I already had setup concurrent tasks like http server, smtp client, telnet server and DHCP client in the same application (plus a massive calculation routine) on rabbit3000 and everything worked like a swiss clock. But now i´m trying to implement a simple tcp server and a http server and i´m having problems to run it perfectly.  Maybe the problem is me (chair to keyboard interface), maybe it can be the interniche stack, or maybe even the chip itself. I don´t know, but i´m here to find out...
 Best regards
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