Some EzPort Progress

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Some EzPort Progress

1,031 次查看
Contributor III

Well, I finally got some EzPort downloads working.  I know this topic has been batted around before but I recently went on mission to try and find the simplest and cheapest way to get EzPort programming working on my MCF52233 board.   Here's what I found:


Digging around a bit with Google I discovered this app:


The bad news is that the docs are in Japanese.  The good news is that he posted the full MS Visual C# source package.  


On the hardware side it looks like the best bet for USB to JTAG, SPI, etc... are the devices based on the FTDIchip FT2232D.  This part is really nice in that it gives you USB to a variety of interfaces without any embedded code.  FTDIchip also provides full drivers and DLLs to help build apps.    A USB to SPI dongle is trivial with this part, but I didn't feel like doing another board or hand wiring things so I went looking for the cheapest finished solution and found:


It took a bit of config gymnasitics to get all the right drivers in all the right places, but I just successfully programmed the FLASH on my board with this combination.  It is a little crude but it works.


I'm going to take a cut at enhancing this software to improve it's user interface and add some features.  Should be pretty easy to add other Coldfire variants too.



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375 次查看
Senior Contributor II

Hi Dave,


It's probably too late to help you, but your post finally gave me the push I needed to write standalone programs for the M52221DEMO and M52233DEMO boards to turn them into S19 -> QSPI -> EzPort relays to allow folks to just paste an S19 file into the DEMO board and have it relay out the QSPI to a target board's EzPort, without needing any additional hardware.


It's probably not as fast as it could be, and it could use a command-line option to select the target board clock frequency (if you're not running the '21 at 48MHz or the '33 at 25 MHz), but it basically works and I was able to program a MCF52221 thru a M52233DEMO board, using both the Ethernet and the serial port by just pasting in the S19 file.


Anyway, I wish I'd done this a year ago when I had all the parts done -- I just had to merge our "upgrade" command's S19 parsing with our "clone" command's QSPI -> EzPort transport...  Oh well.


-- Rich


PS the new post is here:

Message Edited by Rich T on 2009-03-18 11:33 PM
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