Need a help about MCF52259

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Need a help about MCF52259

Contributor III
I am an engineer in P.R.China.Recently , I,all the while, learned the MCF52259 DEMOKIT for a long time. I have already updated the open source BDM of firmware of MC9S08JM60 which was intergated in MCF52259 DEMOKIT by the last firmware that was downloaded from,%20Boot%20Cod...
I also updated CodeWarrior 7.1 Pro with SP7.1.1 and SP7.1.2; Now,I can download a very simple C code program and debug with step into and step over and other debug ways to help me to solve the various logic problem.But i can't downloaded the Micrium TCP/IP Example code which was included in DVD into rhe MCF52259 DEMOKIT after pressing the Debug button in Codewarrior environment.The error messages was attached in the post.And i also can not download the interNiche Lite example into the demokit after pressing the Debug button in Codewarrior environment. The error messages was attached in the post.
The FreeRtos Example may download into the demokit,But the PC pointer of the Codewarrior in debug environment doesn't locate on function named main() that is in main.c file.The PC pointer does locate on a assembly language file named mcf5225x_lo.s.The picture of it also attached in the mail.I really don't know why happens.Do you know the causes? How to locate on the main() in main.c file??
I don't know why happened these matters.Do you know ?
In fact, the Micrium TCP/IP Example code also had the same phenomenons after pressing the debug button in codewarrior. When i wanted to run to the instruction jsr main/* Jump to the main process */ in mcf5225x_lo.s file(Pleses look at micrium tcp_ip error0.bmp and micrium tcp_ip error1.bmp in the attachment),there was a error message to show me.(Pleses look at micrium tcp_ip error2.bmp in the attachment)
I clicked the button 确切 that means OK in English. The third picture named Micrium tcp_ip error3.bmp in attachment was shown to me.
Finally, I tried to click the step into button in the tool bar.The Micrium tcp_ip error4.bmp which also included in the attachment showed to me.
I must say the picture named Micrium tcp_ip error4.bmp always tell the programer that open source BDM of firmware of MC9S08JM60 which was intergated in MCF52259 DEMOKIT must be updated, because of it is too old. However,In fact,I have already udated for it. I really don't know what cause lead to the phenomenons.
At last, i want to know there are many errors in the last OS_BDM of MC9S08JM60 which was downloaded and updated ?
I can't believe that.If it is the truth, Why i download the simple code into the DemoKit?
I really hope to get your reply as soon as possible.
Thank You for your help.
Best regard
Message Edited by fish_yu on 2009-08-21 05:17 PM
0 件の賞賛
1 解決策
Contributor III

Hi FwFan

I have mailed to you with a video.The video will tell you how to debug the code in the stepinto mode.

You must update the firmware with the last version.

You also update you ide with two service pack.

I have got a successful result. The video was from technical support of Freescale.


Message Edited by fish_yu on 2009-09-01 02:16 AM


0 件の賞賛
10 返答(返信)
Contributor III

My MSN is

my mail

Thank You for your help.

0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Hi fish_yu,


I had a problem when I updated my osbdm too.  I think you should go back to the older version, things worked okay for me after I went back to the older version.  Try the osbdm_cf2_gdi.dll.  Don't use the osbdm_jm60_gdi_cfv234.dll.  I am not sure this will solve your problems, but it may.  You can change this under "Remote Debugging".


Good Luck,


0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Where Can i get the old firmware of JM60 in DemoKit??

Could you post it for us?


Thank really you for your help.


0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Hi Fish_Yu,


Try this file, osbdm_cf2_gdi.dll.  You can search for it in your computer.  It should be under Program Files/Freescale/...  Freescale won't let me attach it because it's not one of the allowable extension.  I can email it to you if you have an email address.


Also, try to download the old software on the product website.


Do you still have the old disk that comes with the demo kit?



0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Hello, I have received your mail. Thank You for your help.

Now ,I have another problem about it. I have ever updated the firmware by using the last firmware which downloaded from freescale Demokit 52259 web.

I copied the osbdm_cf2_gdi.dll into the <CodeWarrior for ColdFire V7.1 installed directory>\bin\Plugins\Support\ColdFire\OSBDM. After done, I modified the configuration of CodeWarrior for ColdFire V7.1, In the IDE,I pressed ALT + F7 to get into a new dialog.In there,I selected INTERNAL_FLASH SETTINGs, And in there, I was continue to  press a button named Edit Connection... on the right side. At the same time, A dialog named ColdFire V2-V4 JM60 OSBDM was shown to me.In the current dialog, I pressed Button named Browse , and select the old dll file. and Press all Buttons named OK to close and save current configuration in all  dialogs.Now ,I was begin to debug the code. At then, There was a warning dialog to show me. The content of diglog was ColdFire GDI Protocol Adapter : An invalid preference was passed to the coldFire GDI protocol.

On the other words, The GDI Protocol error!

I think the phenomenon was caused by the last Firmware of JM60 that updated by i.

I also consider that i also get failed results if i will never recover the old firmware.

These are my viewpoints.


Cold you tell me how you repair your demokit to debug the Example code?

You updated your firmware?

I have already updated the firmware!How to do the next step?

0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Hi Fish_Yu,


Let's try the easy way and uninstall your CF 7.1 version.

Shut down your computer afterward and restart.


Make a clean reinstall and only add the CW 7.1.1 patch that

comes with the DVD.

I think this should bring everything back to the normal state.

As for bringing back the sample code to your kit, follow the

M52259DEMOKIT Quick Start Guide.  It's the envelope that has

your CW Getting Started DVD.  I am sure you can find this guide

on the MCF52259 website.


I reburned the demo kit this way before and it works.


Good Luck,


0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Sorry, I tried,I failed. I,all the while, regard that there are errors between Firmware of JM60 and PC driver of Codewarrior7.1.2. Because i have ever desgined other ele-device based on USB communication for our customer. I am very familiar with USB commnincation, USB driver and Application Program that runs under the Windows Operating System.

I don't know your firmware whether updated successfully. But my firmware really have done successfully.

So, I think that if i can't recover the old firmware , I will never get a normally result,except for get new firmware of JM60 and Service pack for Codewarrior 7.1.2.

I have requested a freescale support service. I think that this is the only way to solve the problem.

Thank You for Your help.

0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Sorry I couldn't help out Fish_Yu.  Hope it works out for you.  If anything, my CW is 7.1.



0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Hi FwFan

I have mailed to you with a video.The video will tell you how to debug the code in the stepinto mode.

You must update the firmware with the last version.

You also update you ide with two service pack.

I have got a successful result. The video was from technical support of Freescale.


Message Edited by fish_yu on 2009-09-01 02:16 AM
0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Thank you Fish_Yu.

That was very helpful.

Hope you're back on track.



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