Low Power Operation on the MCF5213

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Hello All,
Can anyone provide any assistance on Low Power Operation on the MCF5213? I believe I have the registers (LPCR, LPICR, PPMRH, and PPMRL) set correctly, but I cannot find the "STOP instruction" mentioned in the "MCF5213 Reference Manual". Is there sample code available which illustrates Low Power Operation? Thank you.

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Here are the links, I found.
The code example (power) also requires the following definitions.
#define stop_2700() asm(" stop #0x2700")
#define stop_2600() asm(" stop #0x2600")
#define stop_2500() asm(" stop #0x2500")
#define stop_2400() asm(" stop #0x2400")
#define stop_2300() asm(" stop #0x2300")
#define stop_2200() asm(" stop #0x2200")
#define stop_2100() asm(" stop #0x2100")
#define stop_2000() asm(" stop #0x2000")

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