FAQ 27860 lost?
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In old freescale forum there is a refence to a FAQ-27860 with information for
How to copy function from flash to ram
I'm not able to find these application.
Thomas Delfs
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Thanks a lot.
I make a redesign of Code for a existing Project. There are some limitations. One is it has to programmed into external FLASH.
After relocating Code to RAM and activating the i-cache it's 3 times faster (and hopefully stable ;-) )
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Do You now the reason for these problem? Cache and RAM are different memories isn't it? I'll check it for my Code, but at the moment the processor is running (MCF5282).
Thomas Delfs

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> Do You now the reason for these problem? [sic] Cache and RAM are different memories isn't it?
Yes, That's the problem. Your copied code won't be in the right memory for the CPU to execute from. I thought the problem was obvious from my explanation. You should read up some more about what caches do and how they work.
These processors that have caches have separate code and data caches.. Copying code when the caches are enabled:
1 - CPU copy loop reads a word from the source address,
2 - A cache line of data is read into the data cache, CPU reads from there,
3 - CPU copy loop writes a word to the destination address,
4 - Usually a cache line is flushed to make room, and the data is written to the cache,
5 - Copy has finished, but the data is still in the data cache, not in the main memory,
6 - CPU calls the copied function and will either read:
6a - Stale data from the Instruction Cache (if it has called previous code from that address), or
6b - Instruction cache will read stale data from main memory, or
6c - You may have gotten lucky and other memory-using functions may have flushed the data and code caches "by accident".
The only clean way to do this is to:
1 - Perform the copy,
2 - Flush the Data Cache to push the code into main memory,
3 - Clear the Instruction Cache to get rid of any old copies.
Caches make these CPUs run faster. Think 10 to 20 times faster for the Instruction Cache. I was working on code on an MCF5235 which didn't have the data cache enabled, and was managing an Ethernet data transfer speed of 3.3 Mb/s. Enabling the data cache (with bursting) got it up to 6.5Mb/s, almost twice as fast. Rewriting the "memcpy()" and the UDP Checksum (both in assembly) eventually got it up to 9 Mb/s.
Handling the caches also makes "sample code" more complicated, so it is usually left out. Sample code is that, an example which is seldom usable "as-is".

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There's one other thing to watch out for.
Surprisingly, neither AN4329 or FAQ-27860 mention this.
If you are copying code around on the any MCF Series 2, 3 or 4 chip (but not on MCF51), you have to watch out for the code and data caches. If the code is copied before the caches are enabled there's no problem. If the Data Cache is enabled for the destination memory in any mode other that "Write Through", then it needs to be flushed after the code has been copied. Likewise, the Instruction Cache needs to be invalidated after the copy, but normally only if the same destination RAM is being used for different functions. It would be a good idea to flush the cache even if it isn't necessary in case your "function copy" code is reused by someone else (or yourself) at some time in the future in a case where the cache flush is required.

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Yes, this post has been moved, sorry. I had retrieved it from our internal server. Please see below:
Problem: : With CodeWarrior's Coldfire implementation, how can I define a portion of the application's code so that it runs from RAM? This is useful to add Flash programming capability to an application.
There are two ways to have an application's code execute from RAM, which are decribed below.
Note the slight, but important differences between code that executes on a ColdFire V1 core, versus code the executes on ColdFire V2, V3, and V4 cores.
First method: Get the Startup code to automatically copy the code from ROM to RAM
Make the following changes to a CodeWarrior project created with the Project wizard:
1) Place the code to execute from RAM into a user-defined code section.
For a ColdFire V1 core, this is done as follows:

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It may not be lost, but it isn't on a public-side web server any more. I can't even find it on archive.org.
Fang Li might be able to help with this one.
This previous post might contain enough of a worked example to help you:
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These example will not work for my issue, but I've implemented the chapter
5.2 Placing Code and Data in RAM
from AN4329 and it works.
Thank You