how to switch between different configuration of system clock with PE?

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how to switch between different configuration of system clock with PE?

Contributor III

I use process expert to set 2 different system clock configuration.

But I can't find any method or function to switch between this 2 configuration?

How to? Can anyone give me a hane ?



By the way , are there any function like standard delay(ms) in the code warrior system ?

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi 修華 許,

Which CodeWarrior version and MCU are you using?

You could use the SetClockConfiguration method of the CPU component to switch between clock configurations.

In order to enable this method you first need to change the visibility to Advanced and on the CPU component Methods tab change the SetClockConfiguration method value to generate code:


Regarding your question about the delay function, please take a look to the following post:

How to making a program delay with KDS (processor expert)

You could use the xiangjun.rong or Erich Styger suggestions.

Hope it helps!

Best Regards,

Carlos Mendoza

Technical Support Engineer


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