Hi! For a need of Continuous Engineering on a Product with HC12 target (MC912DG128AMPVE), I have recently bought CODEWARRIOR Development Suite "STANDARD" Edition, with Permanent License , and I have installed the CodeWarrior Development Studio for the S12(X) V5.1 (that is the last version integrating the ServicePack for HC12), on a PC / Windows7.
I have also bought an "USB Multilink Universal FX" interface (Part # USB-ML-UNIVERSAL-FX Rev B), in order to debug and flash program on our HC12 target.
Please :
.Is the "USB Multilink Universal FX" compatible with CodeWarrior Devt Studio for the HC(S)12(X) V5.1 ? (No Patch need ?)
.Which Version of (PEMICRO) PROG12Z Software must be used (*) , with our environment ? (Windows7, CodeWarrior Devt Studio HC(S)12(X) V5.1, USB Multilink Universal FX Rev-B) ?
Hello Michel,
For the classic CW, if the P&E hardware is not detected by the operating system within device manager,
please use the attached P&E Hardware Interface Drivers .
For HC12 chips , please download Patch for (S)12(X) 3rd Party Software .
About the detail information please refer to here :
Especialy this part :
Patch for CFV1/S08/RS08/MON08 3rd Party Software - 28 June 2016 This archive contains the latest P&E CFV1/HCS08/RS08/MON08 interface DLL and firmware for all compatible P&E interfaces. If you are unable to utilize your P&E interface with your software (such as classic Codewarrior, IAR, Greenhills, etc.), then you may need to apply this update. This patch does not guarantee its success in resolving all hardware or firmware issues customers may be facing. This patch was tested on NXP's Codewarrior classic v6.3 for CFV1/HCS08/RS08/MON08 chip architecture. Please read the README.txt file for instructions on how to backup previous files and how to patch up the Codewarrior properly. "
Hope it helps
Have a great day,
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Hello Alice,
Thanks a lot for your help !