I have old code which was working on Codewarrior IDE v5.1.
When I want to compile with the Codewarrior IDE v5.9, there are no Error appear in "Errors & Warnings" dialog.
However, the output .s19 file doesn't work on HCS12DG128.
Then I have found out that there are message in the map file that the linking is failed.
Message as below:
Environment: Windows 10 Pro
Codewarrior IDE v5.9.0
I have written a small program to confirm the compile and the MCU is working properly.
Hi JasonFung
please send me your problem screenshot and your project. I will try to reproduce the issue on my side.
Jun Zhang
Sorry that I could not send out the code due to confidential.
However, what cause may lead to only "LINKING FAILED" in the map file which have been used before.
I wonder there is error definition in you linker file or error address definition in your source code.
But as I don't have your code, I am not 100% sure. If your code is confidential, I suggest you creating a private ticket to NXP support with your demo project, removing the confidential part if you don't want share. we just need a project that can reproduce the error.
Jun Zhang