Classic - Is it possible (How) to use HCS12 on Eclipse?

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Classic - Is it possible (How) to use HCS12 on Eclipse?

Classic - Is it possible (How) to use HCS12 on Eclipse?

Classic - How to use HCS12 on Eclipse?

-build and debug a CodeWarrior project-

            Valid for some Classic versions - CW for MCU V6.x, CW for HC12 V5.1, etc ...


Configuration used:


Native installation Win 7 Enterprise 64 bit

                                CodeWarrior HC12 v5.1

                                CodeWarrior for MCU V10.6.4 (Updates 5&6)



                                Multilink Universal rev B




Since 2010 we started to move our development tool chains from Classic IDE to Eclipse.

However we continue to use classic tools for some products as CW for HC12 V5.x for HCs12 devices.

The advantage of HC12 is that all features are used in command line in the IDE.

So we can use another IDE than CodeWarrior IDE as Eclipse for instance.

This doc will show you how to:

  • - Create a new project using CW HC12 build tools chain,
  • - Define the external debugger to debug the HC12 application.


Attached you will find:

  • - a zip file including the projects. Recommend to unzip it to c:\temp,
  • - 2 videos explaining Build and Debug processes.


More references/information can be found at:




For Classic versions using integrated debugger, only the build operation can be done under Eclipse.

When the debugger is not available as standalone version there is no way to define an External Tools in Eclipse.



Phase 1: Create a Project under Eclipse based on a HC12 project


  1. 1-      Create a project for the device you need under HC12 v5.1.


  1. 2-      Launch Eclipse and create a new empty project

                File ¦ New ¦ Other …


Enable Show All Wizards and select the C Project (which is otherwise hidden), pressing Next.


Click OK


Specify the project name, select an Empty Project under Makefile project with — Other Toolchain — and press Finish:


Now I have an empty project


Using Project ¦ Properties specify my Build Command:

                ${system:ECLIPSE_HOME}/../gnu/bin/mingw32-make -j6


  1. 3-      Copy all HC12 V5.1 Sources and config files to Eclipse project


  1. 4-      Create a makefile with the menu File ¦ New ¦ Other... ¦ General ¦ File



Phase 2: Build the project using HC12 build tools chain with makefile


  1. 1-      Generate the Commandlines used by HC12 v5.1 to build the project.

By this way you will have the options and other paths used for compiler and linker to build the project.

We can use these information to create the makefile.



  1. 2-      Create the makefile with the menu menu File ¦ New ¦ Other... ¦ General ¦ File


An empty makefile is created.

You need to create your makefile according to your project.

For more details we recommend to refer to the link:


This is the makefile created for this example.


The makefile created contains 2 operations:

                                all -> build the project and generate Srecord files

                                clean -> remove all generated files


  1. 3-      Create 2 make targets

for all and clean operations with the "Make Target" under Window ¦ show View





Now I can build the project using HC12 v5.1 tools (compiler/Linker) under Eclipse project



Phase 3: Add External debugger to debug hc12 application


HC12 V5.1 is using an external debugger named Hiwave.

This tool is using a config file named .ini.

To use HiWave under Eclipse project, we need to define it as external Debugger.


By the Run menu click on External Tools ¦ External Tools Configuration…


Run will launch the Debugger and the project.ini file will be generated in the \Bin folder

                You can edit the ini file and use the info provided in the .ini file of HC12 V5.1 project


To use these settings, add the Arguments:

                project.abs -w -Target=icd12 -Prod=project.ini



Now the debugger is launched and application loaded on board with Multilink Interface.

Labels (1)

I try to follow the tutorial, but the attached files are not available.

Could you please send me the makefile?


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Version history
Last update:
‎01-26-2016 07:41 AM
Updated by: