Hello Bob S,
The LM224 op amp you are using is not a rail-to-rail type, so would need a supply voltage significantly more than the maximum voltage applied to the ATD input. Is this the case?
I can understand that the depth of the "glitch" would depend on the voltage on the sample capacitor from the previous channel reading, but the duration should be short. For the settling time to exceed 8 milliseconds, this suggests a much higher source resistance than 1k, or a larger capacitor. Assuming the component values are correct, my thought was that the output resistance from the op amp might increase as it entered a non-linear region, and negative feedback had less effect. Thus my above query. Do you also observe the glitch at the op amp output pin?
Message Edited by bigmac on 2006-06-07 12:10 PM
Thank you for the response!
The LM224 supply is 18 volts. The diode clamp is a BAS-70 Schottky.
Two of the ADC inputs are connected to a current source that drives a thermistor. When the thermistor is not connected, the input to the amplifier can go to 13 volts. There is a divider at the output of the amplifier, so the voltage driven into the clamp (through a 1K resistor) is about 6.5 volts. This would set up the conditions I have read on other posts.
The crosstalk is larger at the micro side, but I do still see an attenuated version of the crosstlk at the output of the amplifier.
The thing that I don't understand is that we have used this circuit on several products in the past with no issues. I have a prototype board with an older part that does not have this problem. Has something changed in the fab process for the AP64?
Hello Bob S,
The "crosstalk" or glitch due to the charging of the internal sample capacitor is not a problem provided it is of very short duration, and has settled prior to the conversion. The problem seems to be to account for the extended duration that you are experiencing. It could be of interest to make two measurement on the same channel, with the measurements 8ms apart, and compare the two readings - i.e. with the sequence
Reach ch1, Read ch2, Wait 8ms, Read ch2, Read ch 3, Wait 8ms, Read ch 3, etc.
Rocco's point might be supported if some of the channels do not have thermistors connected. Assuming NTC type, at the lowest temperature of interest can I also assume that the voltage across the thermistor would be somewhat less than 5 volts? If so, I think I would use a shunt zener diode (say 5.1 volts) at the input to the op amp, to better allow for disconnection of the thermistor. A small amount of attenuation at the op amp output might still be present to ensure that the applied voltage, under all circumstances, does not exceed Vdd.
Another possibility could be to use an op amp type with rail-to-rail output, and supplied from Vdd, so the output can never exceed the supply rails, even with the thermistor disconnected.