/* Sets the QSPI controller speed, rather than using default speed * * The QuadSPI configuration register contains the bits for QuadSPI configuration. This * register is reset at HRESET. * Address: 157_0000h base + 15Ch offset = 157_015Ch. * boot from hardwareROM/bootROM will happen at default speed, but once QSPI driver is init * increased speed can be observed. * * Top 4-bits are for CLK_SEL * These bits control the division of CGA1/CGA2 PLL clock to generate QuadSPI interface clocks. * 0000 Divide by 256 * 0001 Divide by 64 * 0010 Divide by 32 * 0011 Divide by 24 * 0100 Divide by 20 * 0101 Divide by 16 * 0110 Divide by 12 * 0111 Divide by 8 */ .pbi write 0x57015C, 0x10100000 .end