CW V10.1 for MCU (MCF52259CAG80) - Error: Only groups and links can be created under a group

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CW V10.1 for MCU (MCF52259CAG80) - Error: Only groups and links can be created under a group

Contributor II



I've been developing under CW V7.2 and am now trying to port over to 10.1.  I used the project import wizard but the processor export code was not being generated correctly.  Next I created a new .pe file from scratch and added all the components back in manually.  Now the PE code is generated correctly and all the compilor errors have been resolved except for:


Error: Only groups and links can be created under  a group.  Location: User Modules/


Has anyone seen this before?  Any clues on what problem this could be referring to?


A second question I have is about the new IDE in general.  In V7.2 I could easily see what files were included in each configuration based on the columns to the right of each file (Code size, Data size, Target and debug).  With 10.1, I don't see anway to tell what files are included/excluded for each configuration.  Is there a view, or option I'm missing?


Thanks for the help.



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Senior Contributor III



regarding to the Classic Importer problem:


Could you please post here please the original project?

However I think that the best way to covert Processor Expert Classic project to Processor Expert Eclipse based project is to create new project and to copy Processor Expert setting using the steps below:


1. Backup the original classic project

2. Rename the .*pe file in the original project which contains all PE´s setting to the

3. Create new Eclipse based project

4. Close the project

5. Rewrite the file by the PRocessorExpert. pe from the original project

6. Open the project. You should see the new project with all components from the original project.


Now you have to just copy all user code.


Could you please post here the project that leads you to getting the Error: Only groups and links can be created under  a group.  Location: User Modules/


Regarding to your question in the latest paragraph:


Please post these on the CodeWarrior General issues forum instead of Processor Expert forum. However in case you work with Processor Expert project and you need some additional information about wiles within the project, please switch to the CodeWarrior Projects tab. However there will be provided only features supported by CW IDE. For more details please enclosed screen-shot.


best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team