MCUXpresso on Linux

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MCUXpresso on Linux

Senior Contributor I

I installed MCUXPresso on three different versions of Linux (as an experiment to decide which version to use).

I can't get it to install on Manjaro (Arch Linux), it appears to work perfectly on Mint (Ubuntu) and almost works on Elementary OS (also Ubuntu).

The Elementary OS Faults are the most interesting:

1) Whenever it opens a window it is drawn centred on another identically titled but transparent window that is 50% bigger.

2) It won't build - gives the error 

"make -r -j4 all

Cannot run program "make": Unknown error

Error: Program "make" not found in path."

I have tried this on three laptops, all using the same download of the .deb.bin file.

Any ideas? Especially on Elementary OS, as that would be my preferred version (though currently Mint has to be my preferred version due to being the only one that works)

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5 Replies

Contributor III

I too can't get it to install on Manjaro (Arch Linux). I have found an option to manually convert a debian package to arch linux but this is no good with the auto installer. Was there a reason for using this auto installer process as not very generic, in my opinion, considering there are other Linux distro's out there. I note that other vendors use compressed tar.gz files which works. For example, the standard Eclipse IDE installer too have an easy Linux install method too. Maybe replicate this method.

Anyway, please could you advise as how to install on Manjaro (Arch Linux). Thanks.

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Contributor III

I received the solution via the Manjaro forum. This method was quick and painless.

So for Linux Manjaro users, you need to enable AUR support in Pamac, then search for mcuxpresso and you will get two available packages for the IDE and one for the config tools.

If done from terminal: First search and confirm version availability
pamac search mcuxpresso
For the latest version available on AUR, just run:
pamac build mcuxpresso-ide

Contributor I

Hi, I did this and it surely installs MCUXpresso but it doesn't work properly i.e I can't install any board on it. How do you use it?

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Contributor I

Did you ever resolve this issue? I have had to download the board packages and drag the zip files myself. However I don't get  update notifications

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Senior Contributor V

 I don’t think that Elementary OS is a very popular Linux Distro - at least as far as this forum goes. Therefore, I think it unlikely somebody here is going to be able to help you. You will also be on a system that is not going to be supported by NXP.

However, you might try searching for ‘installing eclipse on Elementary OS’ to see what other people have been doing to get Eclipse working on your OS (MCUXpresso uses Eclipse).

If your OS doesn’t have make, you are going to need to install a development package that includes it. I think you need the build-essential package.

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