Simplify the development of your vision processing applications

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Simplify the development of your vision processing applications

Fresh Out Contributor

Computer Vision is becoming a technology most people are now familiarized with because of its extensive use in diverse common solutions: applied in cameras for doing face recognition, implemented in self-driving cars for traffic signs reading & pedestrian watching, or utilized in factory robots for navigation around human co-workers & problem monitoring.

Computer Vision might be the largest part of AI, and even when there is still a long way before machines can see as we do, in the near future it will use robust vision processing tools to focus on concepts that are harder to pin down, like context, attention, and intention.

NXP is now offering the S32V234 processors to simplify engineering development for Front and Surround View Camera, Machine Learning, and Sensor Fusion applications. The S32V MPUs can use a complementary and no-cost S32 Design Studio IDE software for Vision (that includes a compiler, a debugger, its comprehensive Vision Software Development Kit (VSDK), a Linux BSP, and some graph tools) to simplify the development of your vision processing applications like ADAS vision and neural network solutions.

We are hosting a live webinar (Tuesday, November 14th, 2017 at 10:00 am EST) to introduce the S32V234 processor and the S32 Design Studio IDE software with its VSDK and the Image Sensor Processor (ISP)/APEX graphical design tools.
REGISTER TODAY to learn how to create projects in the S32 Design Studio to ease the development of your vision processing applications with S32V processors.

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