periph_sdmmc failed with SD

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periph_sdmmc failed with SD

Contributor III

I ran periph_sdmmc of LPCOpen v2.10 on an Embedded Artists OEM Base Board with an LPC4088 OEM Board. It worked fine with a version 2 SD card after I reversed the polarity of MCIPWR.

When I replaced the SD card with a version 1 SD card, all the disk operations returned a "Failed with rc=1".

I traced the problem to sendAppOpCond() in sdmmc_17xx_40xx.c that returned a "SDC_RET_FAILED". The comment of the code said that the host repeatedly issues ACMD41 for at least 1 second (8192 tries). But the code bailed after the first sendAppCmd() call that failed.

I commented out the else block of the "if (Ret == SDC_RET_OK)". During the second iteration of the while loop, the calls to sendAppCmd() and executeCmd() both returned SDC_RET_OK. And the rest of the tests ran without failure.

I am wondering whether I did the right thing to fix the problem.

STATIC int32_t sendAppOpCond(LPC_SDC_T *pSDC, uint16_t rca, bool hcs, uint32_t *pOcr, bool *pCCS)
 int32_t Ret = SDC_RET_FAILED;
 SDC_RESP_T Response;
 uint32_t Argument;
 uint32_t RetryCnt = 0x2000; /* The host repeatedly issues ACMD41 for at least 1 second or
 until the busy bit are set to 1 */

 Argument = ACMD41_OCR(*pOcr);
 if (hcs) {
 Argument |= ACMD41_HCS;

 while (RetryCnt > 0) {
 Ret = sendAppCmd(pSDC, rca);
 if (Ret == SDC_RET_OK) {
 Ret = executeCmd(pSDC, SD_ACMD41_SD_SEND_OP_COND, Argument, &Response);
 if (Ret == SDC_RET_OK) {
 if (Response.Data[0] & CMDRESP_R3_INIT_COMPLETE) {
 if (*pOcr == 0) {
 *pOcr = CMDRESP_R3_OCR_VAL(Response.Data[0]);
 return SDC_RET_OK;
 if ((CMDRESP_R3_OCR_VAL(Response.Data[0]) & *pOcr) != *pOcr) {
 *pCCS = (Response.Data[0] & CMDRESP_R3_HC_CCS) ? true : false;
 return SDC_RET_OK;
// else {
// return Ret;
// }
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