Can't Communicate with the target processor!

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Can't Communicate with the target processor!

Contributor I

Buen día! estoy utilizando el microcontrolador KW41Z256 pero al intentar realizar el debug me aparece " can't  communicate with the target processor! Please check your connections between the cable and the target and make sure the target has power" reh checado continuidad en los entre pines y el cable flexible y es correcto, tambien el voltaje en el micro y tambien es correcto, en la ventana de Debug de IAR aparece " Can not enter background mode", eh intentado poner resistencias pull up y capacitores en SMD_CLK, SMD_DIO y en reset. pero ninguno me ah dado resultado. Tambien estan actualizados Software y Drivers. Ojala me puedan ayudar con un consejo.


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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Mayra,

Take a look to the following post created by our colleague Erich Styger, it mentions a check list and provides some hints that might help you resolve the issue:


Debugging Failure: Check List and Hints | MCU on Eclipse


Please also review the below document where you can find information about the 20-pin header debug interface Implementation (section Debug interface) and make sure your connections are correct:


Hope it helps!

Best Regards,


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