Convert host_msd_fatfs_bm_kl25z code into SD card support.

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Convert host_msd_fatfs_bm_kl25z code into SD card support.

Contributor II


i am working on KL25Z.

in KSDK one example code is there for USB MSD.

in that project Diskio.c file added for initialization,there are option for SD and USB but i can't  understand what should i do?

here i attached the screen shot of that file.

please help me for convert this USB_MSD to SD card.

Thank you..!! 

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4 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Arth Shah

Could you clarify what are you requirements? you need a SD card support in a USB Host Application?

MKL25Z MCUs don't have SDHC (Secured digital host controller), So you can not add support for SD cards in this FRDM board. This Macro definitions that you see in the diskio driver is because this drivers below to the fatfs drivers, which is generic.

Hope this information could help you.

Best Regards

Jorge Alcala

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Contributor II

Hello jorge,

Thaks for reply.

Actually my requirement is that show SD card as a MSD.

I already getting success in SD interfacing with MY frdm - KL25ZKL25Z through SPI nd FATFS but when i attach my board to PC nd SD card is already Attach with my BOArd that time SD show as a removable Disk in my PC.This is my requirement. How can i achieve this??

Thanks and best regards,


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Arth Shah

Sorry if I don't understand correctly. If you need your SD card show as a removable disk in your PC, then you don't need a USB_Host example, because in this case your PC will be the host, and your FRDM board will be the device, you need a device example. FRDM-KL25Z package doesn't include an usb_device_msc_sdcard example because as I mentioned you, KL25 doesn't have SDHC. host_msd_fatfs_bm_kl25z is a code that prints the attached device information.

I think that the best approach that you can take is take a usb_device_composite_cdc_msc example and add the support for SD with SPI. I see that you already saw this post, but I will include it for you as reference.

How to add SD card support (SPI) to usb composite msc cdc example? 

Hope it could help you to clarify your doubts.

Best Regards

Jorge Alcala

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Contributor II

hello Jorge,

thanks for the reply.

I think you completely understand  my requirement.

i already saw this post How to add SD card support (SPI) to usb composite msc cdc example? 

have you any code about KL25Z MSD?

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