SendBlock funtion doesn´t send correct data

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SendBlock funtion doesn´t send correct data

Contributor II


I´m new with freescale microcontrollers and I am testing a board with

MK20DX256VLH7 microcontroller. I have startedwith a Project developed with

the Processor Expert tool. In order to develop the application I have

followed step by step "the Processor Expert Software – Microcontrollers

Driver Suite Getting Started Guide" tutorial. Then when I had to test

debugging I saw that the LED was flashing well with the correct frequency,

but I checked that the message sent to Tera Term Application by UART wasn't

correct. Tera Term has received something but there are some strange

characters. The string that I send is "Hello World". The direction where is

stored the string is 0xfc0 allways, although I change the string, and I saw

that all characters are stored in them.


ange_characters.png> Descripción: Strange characters recrived in Tera Term


The configuration is the same in Tera and in AS1 component, the baud rate is

9600, no parity, stop bit, 8 bits, and no control flow.


aTermConfiguration.png> Descripción: Tera Term Configuration


T_Component_Configuration.png> Descripción: UART Component Configuration

When I execute step by step inside the "AS1_SendBlock" function, I can see

how the characters are saved. For example the character that I can see in

*DeviceDataPrv->OutDataPtr is 0x48h, that is the hexadecimal character of

first letter "H". Then later it is executed the next line:


Here I think it´s the sending order. Why don´t send the string correctly?

There are something in the configuration? The configuration should be

different with MK20DX256VLH7? The baud rate is ok?

In my application “AS1_SendBlock” function is executed step by step like it

should be, but when I want to see where the data are sent (in which output

registers) when the transmission interrupt is enable, I don’t know where

because they are unknown for me. Do you Know the registers in which appears

the UART output transmission data or the UART output buffer for

mK20dx256vlh7 microcontroller?? I´m reading in the datasheet and I don´t

find any registers related on them. I want to see if the transmission data

in these registers are the same that I want to transmit and also in order to

compare with data that arrive to Tera application.

I would be very grateful for your help,

Arturo Arteaga

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3 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Arturo,

- You can check the register for  UARTx_D on the Reference manual , not datasheet .

You can also can change another terminal to have a try.

-If still can not work , please share your project to me , I will check the code on my side.



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Contributor II

Hi Alice,

Firstly thanks for your help,

I have managed to send a message to PC, but I want to receive data from PC to microcontroller and to re-send from microcontroller to PC the same data. It´s for testing to inizialite a future new applicationin the company.

I have attached my proyect in this mail. I think “AS1_OnBlockReceived” function should be called when a data is received but this function isn´t called when I send data from PC to microcontroller by writing from a keyboard in Tera application. In this function I use “SendBlock” function (it´s just functional) and also I use “GPIO1_ToggleFieldBits” (this function makes a toggle in a led) in order to check if the function is really called

Why the function isn´t called?? This function is enabled in AS1 component and also it appears as enabled in “AS1.h” file from the project. Also you can see “PE_ISR(AS1_Interrupt)” function in “AS1.c” file.

I have to configure something more?? I can just send but is there a lack to manage the reception data and sending data at the same time.

Thank you again for your effort,

Have a nice day,

Arturo Arteaga

De: Alice_Yang

Enviado el: miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017 9:49

Para: Arturo Arteaga

Asunto: Re: - Re: SendBlock funtion doesn´t send correct data

<> NXP Community

Re: SendBlock funtion doesn´t send correct data

reply from Alice_Yang <> in Kinetis Microcontrollers - View the full discussion <>

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Arturo,

As to there is error when build your project on my side , so I create a new project for you.

I refer to the "Typical Usage" of the component, please check the attachment .

Send a character 'e' on terminal on PC, when k20 board receive it , it will send "Hello world" to terminal .


(Sorry for I haven't a good terminal software of English language , so please ignore the words on my terminal )

Hope it helps

Have a great day,
Alice Yang

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