where I also need to modify

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where I also need to modify

Contributor II

I see an example of the changes start.c。I generated the RAM .map file.

Link map of __start
1] __start (func,global) found in __start.o
1] >>> (func,global) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __start.o
2] __init_registers (func,weak) found in __start.o
2] >>> UNREFERENCED DUPLICATE __init_registers
2] >>> (func,weak) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __start.o
3] _stack_addr found as linker generated symbol
3] _SDA2_BASE_ found as linker generated symbol
3] _SDA_BASE_ found as linker generated symbol
2] __init_hardware (func,global) found in __ppc_eabi_init.o
2] __init_data (func,weak) found in __start.o
2] >>> (func,weak) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __start.o
2] __init_user (func,global) found in __ppc_eabi_init.o
3] FlashConfig (func,global) found in __ppc_eabi_init.o
4] @22 (object,local) found in __ppc_eabi_init.o
2] main (func,global) found in main.o
3] num (object,global) found in main.o
3] CANA_i (object,global) found in main.o
3] CANAlen (object,global) found in main.o
3] CANAdummy (object,global) found in main.o
3] sp_FlashPageAddr32 (object,global) found in main.o
3] ECCErrPageAddr (object,global) found in main.o
3] FLAG_ThisBlockCanntErase (object,global) found in main.o
3] Data_bufCount (object,global) found in main.o
3] PageCounter (object,global) found in main.o
3] PageInterCount (object,global) found in main.o
3] one_fourth_Page_32b (object,global) found in main.o
3] Data_buf (object,global) found in main.o
3] FlashStartAddr (object,global) found in main.o
3] Data_bufTotalNum (object,global) found in main.o
3] PageTotalNum (object,global) found in main.o
2] exit (func,weak) found in __ppc_eabi_init.o
3] _ExitProcess (func,weak) found in __ppc_eabi_init.o
1] INTC_INTCInterruptHandler (func,global) found in IntcInterrupts.o
1] EXCEP_DefaultExceptionHandler (func,global) found in Exceptions.o
1] @102 (object,local) found in main.o
2] @101 (object,local) found in main.o
1] @6 (object,local) found in Exceptions.o
2] @5 (object,local) found in Exceptions.o
1] @13 (object,local) found in IntcInterrupts.o
2] @12 (object,local) found in IntcInterrupts.o
1] __init_cpp_exceptions_reference (object,global) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
2] __init_cpp_exceptions (func,global) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
3] fragmentID (object,local) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
3] __exception_info_constants (func,weak) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
4] _eti_init_info (object,global) found in Linker Generated Symbol File
3] __register_fragment (func,global) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
4] fragmentinfo (object,local) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
3] __restore_frame_and_exit (func,global) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
1] __fini_cpp_exceptions_reference (object,global) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
2] __fini_cpp_exceptions (func,global) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
3] __unregister_fragment (func,global) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
1] _ctors (notype,global) found in Linker Generated Symbol File
1] _ctors$99 (object,global) found in Linker Generated Symbol File
1] _dtors (notype,global) found in Linker Generated Symbol File
1] _dtors$99 (object,global) found in Linker Generated Symbol File
3] .text (section,local) found in main.o
3] .text.110 (notype,local) found in main.o
3] .init (section,local) found in __start.o
3] .init.79 (notype,local) found in __start.o
3] .text (section,local) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
3] .text.1683 (notype,local) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
3] .text (section,local) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
3] .text.205 (notype,local) found in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o

.init section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset

.init_vle section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset
00000000 00000c 40000000 000001a0 1 .init __ppc_eabi_init.o
00000000 00000c 40000000 000001a0 2 __init_hardware __ppc_eabi_init.o
UNUSED 000022 ........ ........ __flush_cache __ppc_eabi_init.o
0000000c 0000cc 4000000c 000001ac 1 .init __start.o
0000000c 0000b0 4000000c 000001ac 4 __start __start.o
UNUSED 00003c ........ ........ __copy_rom_section __start.o
UNUSED 000028 ........ ........ __init_bss_section __start.o
000000bc 00001a 400000bc 0000025c 2 __init_registers __start.o
000000d6 000002 400000d6 00000276 2 __init_data __start.o
000000d8 000000 400000d8 00000278 1 .init.79 __start.o
000000d8 00000e 400000d8 00000278 1 .init Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
000000d8 00000e 400000d8 00000278 2 __exception_info_constants Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
UNUSED 000028 ........ ........ __find_exception_addresses Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o

.__exception_handlers section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset
00000000 000002 40001000 00000290 1 .__exception_handlers Exceptions.o
00000000 000002 40001000 00000290 16 EXCEP_DefaultExceptionHandler Exceptions.o
00000002 00000e 40001010 000002a0 16 *fill*
00000010 000096 40001010 000002a0 1 .__exception_handlers IntcInterrupts.o
00000010 000096 40001010 000002a0 16 INTC_INTCInterruptHandler IntcInterrupts.o

.text section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset

.text_vle section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset
00000000 000c44 40002000 00001000 1 .text main.o
00000000 000c44 40002000 00001000 2 main main.o
00000c44 000000 40002c44 00001c44 1 .text.110 main.o
00000c44 000064 40002c44 00001c44 1 .text __ppc_eabi_init.o
00000c44 00003c 40002c44 00001c44 2 FlashConfig __ppc_eabi_init.o
00000c80 000012 40002c80 00001c80 2 __init_user __ppc_eabi_init.o
00000c92 000014 40002c92 00001c92 2 exit __ppc_eabi_init.o
00000ca6 000002 40002ca6 00001ca6 2 _ExitProcess __ppc_eabi_init.o
00000ca8 00003a 40002ca8 00001ca8 1 .text Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
00000ca8 00001e 40002ca8 00001ca8 2 __register_fragment Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
00000cc6 00001c 40002cc6 00001cc6 2 __unregister_fragment Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00005a ........ ........ ExPPC_FindExceptionFragment__FPcP12FragmentInfo Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 0000e2 ........ ........ ExPPC_FindExceptionRecord__FPcP15MWExceptionInfo Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000006 ........ ........ ExPPC_PopR31__FPcP15MWExceptionInfo Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000012 ........ ........ ExPPC_CurrentAction__FPC14ActionIterator Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000168 ........ ........ ExPPC_NextAction__FP14ActionIterator Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00004a ........ ........ ExPPC_PopStackFrame__FP12ThrowContextP15MWExceptionInfo Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000268 ........ ........ ExPPC_UnwindStack__FP12ThrowContextP15MWExceptionInfoPv Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000046 ........ ........ ExPPC_DeletePointerCond_32__FP12ThrowContextPC23ex_deletepointercond_32 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00004e ........ ........ ExPPC_DeletePointerCond__FP12ThrowContextPC20ex_deletepointercond Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000026 ........ ........ ExPPC_DeletePointer_32__FP12ThrowContextPC19ex_deletepointer_32 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00002a ........ ........ ExPPC_DeletePointer__FP12ThrowContextPC16ex_deletepointer Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000058 ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyMemberArray_32__FP12ThrowContextPC24ex_destroymemberarray_32 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00005c ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyMemberArray__FP12ThrowContextPC21ex_destroymemberarray Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00004a ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyMemberCond_32__FP12ThrowContextPC23ex_destroymembercond_32 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000052 ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyMemberCond__FP12ThrowContextPC20ex_destroymembercond Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00006e ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyVLA__FP12ThrowContextPC13ex_destroyvla Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00004c ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyBaseVTT__FP12ThrowContextPC17ex_destroybasevtt Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00002c ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyMember_32__FP12ThrowContextPC19ex_destroymember_32 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000030 ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyMember__FP12ThrowContextPC16ex_destroymember Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00002c ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyBase_32__FP12ThrowContextPC19ex_destroymember_32 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000030 ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyBase__FP12ThrowContextPC16ex_destroymember Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000040 ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyLocalArray_32__FP12ThrowContextPC23ex_destroylocalarray_32 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000042 ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyLocalArray__FP12ThrowContextPC20ex_destroylocalarray Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000028 ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyLocalPointer_32__FP12ThrowContextPC25ex_destroylocalpointer_32 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00002c ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyLocalPointer__FP12ThrowContextPC22ex_destroylocalpointer Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000038 ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyLocalCond_32__FP12ThrowContextPC22ex_destroylocalcond_32 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00003e ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyLocalCond__FP12ThrowContextPC19ex_destroylocalcond Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000014 ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyLocal_32__FP12ThrowContextPC18ex_destroylocal_32 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000016 ........ ........ ExPPC_DestroyLocal__FP12ThrowContextPC15ex_destroylocal Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000044 ........ ........ ExPPC_IsInSpecification__FPcP16ex_specification Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 0000aa ........ ........ __unexpected Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000024 ........ ........ __dt__Q23std13bad_exceptionFv Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __ct__Q23std13bad_exceptionFv Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000022 ........ ........ ExPPC_LongJump__FP12ThrowContextPvPv Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000046 ........ ........ ExPPC_HandleUnexpected__FP12ThrowContextP15MWExceptionInfoP16ex_specification Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000238 ........ ........ ExPPC_ThrowHandler__FP12ThrowContext Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000028 ........ ........ __as__15MWExceptionInfoFRC15MWExceptionInfo Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000052 ........ ........ __throw Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00001c ........ ........ __end__catch Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000086 ........ ........ __uncaught_exception_helper__FP12ThrowContext Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 000028 ........ ........ __uncaught_exception Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000a ........ ........ what__Q23std13bad_exceptionCFv Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
00000ce2 000000 40002ce2 00001ce2 1 .text.1683 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
00000ce2 000008 40002ce2 00001ce2 1 .text Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00004a ........ ........ __save_gpr Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_14 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_14 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_15 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_15 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_16 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_16 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_17 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_17 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_18 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_18 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_19 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_19 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_20 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_20 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_21 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_21 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_22 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_22 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_23 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_23 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_24 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_24 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_25 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_25 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_26 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_26 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_27 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_27 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_28 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_28 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_29 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_29 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_30 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_30 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _savegpr_31 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _save32gpr_31 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00004a ........ ........ __restore_gpr Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_14 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_14 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_15 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_15 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_16 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_16 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_17 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_17 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_18 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_18 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_19 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_19 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_20 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_20 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_21 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_21 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_22 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_22 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_23 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_23 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_24 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_24 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_25 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_25 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_26 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_26 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_27 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_27 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_28 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_28 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_29 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_29 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_30 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_30 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _restgpr_31 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ _rest32gpr_31 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
00000ce2 000008 40002ce2 00001ce2 2 __restore_frame_and_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ __finish_restore_frame_and_exit2 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000a ........ ........ __restore_gpr_31_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ __finish_restore_frame_and_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_30_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_29_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_28_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_27_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_26_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000a ........ ........ __restore_gpr_25_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_24_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_23_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_22_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_21_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_20_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_19_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_18_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_17_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_16_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_15_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000008 ........ ........ __restore_gpr_14_exit Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000000 ........ ........ __save_lr Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_31 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_30 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_29 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_28 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_27 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_26 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_25 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_24 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_23 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_22 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_21 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_20 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_19 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_18 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_17 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_16 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_15 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ __create_frame_and_save_gpr_14 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 0000c4 ........ ........ __div2u Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 000108 ........ ........ __div2i Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 0000ba ........ ........ __mod2u Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 0000e2 ........ ........ __mod2i Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00001a ........ ........ __shl2i Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00001a ........ ........ __shr2u Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
UNUSED 00001c ........ ........ __shr2i Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
00000cea 000000 40002cea 00001cea 1 .text.205 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a runtime.o
00000cea 000050 40002cea 00001cea 1 .text Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
00000cea 00002e 40002cea 00001cea 2 __init_cpp_exceptions Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
00000d18 000022 40002d18 00001d18 2 __fini_cpp_exceptions Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o

.rodata section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset
00000000 00000c 40002d40 00001d40 1 .rodata __ppc_eabi_init.o
00000000 00000c 40002d40 00001d40 4 @22 __ppc_eabi_init.o

.ctors section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset
00000000 000000 40002d4c 00001d4c 1 .ctors$00 Linker Generated Symbol File
00000000 000000 40002d4c 00001d4c 4 _ctors Linker Generated Symbol File
00000000 000004 40002d4c 00001d4c 1 .ctors$10 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
00000000 000004 40002d4c 00001d4c 4 __init_cpp_exceptions_reference Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
00000004 000004 40002d50 00001d50 1 .ctors$99 Linker Generated Symbol File
00000004 000004 40002d50 00001d50 4 _ctors$99 Linker Generated Symbol File

.dtors section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset
00000000 000000 40002d54 00001d54 1 .dtors$00 Linker Generated Symbol File
00000000 000000 40002d54 00001d54 4 _dtors Linker Generated Symbol File
00000000 000004 40002d54 00001d54 1 .dtors$15 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
00000000 000004 40002d54 00001d54 4 __fini_cpp_exceptions_reference Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
00000004 000004 40002d58 00001d58 1 .dtors$99 Linker Generated Symbol File
00000004 000004 40002d58 00001d58 4 _dtors$99 Linker Generated Symbol File

extab section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset
00000000 000008 40002d5c 00001d5c 1 extab main.o
00000000 000008 40002d5c 00001d5c 4 @101 main.o
00000008 000008 40002d64 00001d64 1 extab Exceptions.o
00000008 000008 40002d64 00001d64 4 @5 Exceptions.o
00000010 000008 40002d6c 00001d6c 1 extab IntcInterrupts.o
00000010 000008 40002d6c 00001d6c 4 @12 IntcInterrupts.o

extabindex section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset

.__uninitialized_intc_handlertable section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset

.data section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset

.sdata section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset
00000000 000004 40003000 00001dc8 1 .sdata main.o
00000000 000004 40003000 00001dc8 4 Data_bufTotalNum main.o
00000004 000004 40003008 00001dd0 8 *fill*
00000008 000004 40003008 00001dd0 1 .sdata Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o
00000008 000004 40003008 00001dd0 4 fragmentID Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a __init_cpp_exceptions.o

.sbss section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset
00000000 000034 40003010 00001dd8 1 .sbss main.o
00000000 000004 40003010 00001dd8 4 num main.o
00000004 000004 40003014 00001ddc 4 CANA_i main.o
00000008 000004 40003018 00001de0 4 CANAlen main.o
0000000c 000004 4000301c 00001de4 4 CANAdummy main.o
00000010 000003 40003020 00001de8 4 FLAG_ThisBlockCanntErase main.o
UNUSED 000001 ........ ........ FLAG_BiginToProgramme main.o
00000014 000004 40003024 00001dec 4 Data_bufCount main.o
00000018 000004 40003028 00001df0 4 FlashStartAddr main.o
0000001c 000004 4000302c 00001df4 4 PageTotalNum main.o
00000020 000004 40003030 00001df8 4 PageCounter main.o
00000024 000004 40003034 00001dfc 4 PageInterCount main.o
00000028 000004 40003038 00001e00 4 one_fourth_Page_32b main.o
0000002c 000004 4000303c 00001e04 4 ECCErrPageAddr main.o
00000030 000004 40003040 00001e08 4 sp_FlashPageAddr32 main.o

.sdata2 section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset

.sbss2 section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset

.bss section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset
00000000 000400 40003048 00001dd8 1 .bss main.o
00000000 000400 40003048 00001dd8 8 Data_buf main.o
00000400 00000c 40003448 000021d8 1 .bss Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
00000400 00000c 40003448 000021d8 4 fragmentinfo Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o

extabindex section layout
Starting Virtual File
address Size address offset
00000000 00000c 40002d74 00001dc8 4 @102 main.o
0000000c 00000c 40002d80 00001dc8 4 @6 Exceptions.o
00000018 00000c 40002d8c 00001dc8 4 @13 IntcInterrupts.o
00000024 000030 40002d98 00001dc8 4 _eti_init_info Linker Generated Symbol File
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @224 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @308 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @409 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @435 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @807 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @860 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @871 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @916 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @964 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @971 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @1028 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @1104 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @1119 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @1147 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @1421 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @1426 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @1532 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @1539 Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a ExceptionPPC.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @47 __start.o
UNUSED 00000c ........ ........ @57 __start.o

Memory map:
Starting Size File S-Record
address Offset Line
.init 40000000 00000000 000001a0 0
.init_vle 40000000 000000e8 000001a0 2
.__exception_handlers 40001000 000000a8 00000290 14
.text 40002000 00000000 00001000 0
.text_vle 40002000 00000d3c 00001000 23
.rodata 40002d40 0000000c 00001d40 193
.ctors 40002d4c 00000008 00001d4c 194
.dtors 40002d54 00000008 00001d54 195
extab 40002d5c 00000018 00001d5c 196
extabindex 40002d74 00000054 00001d74 198
.__uninitialized_intc_handlertable 40003000 00000000 00001dd0 0
.data 40003000 00000000 00001dc8 0
.sdata 40003000 0000000c 00001dc8 203
.sbss 40003010 00000034 00001dd8 0
.sdata2 40003044 00000000 00001dd8 0
.sbss2 40003044 00000000 00001dd8 0
.bss 40003048 0000040c 00001dd8 0
.PPC.EMB.apuinfo 000038e4 00000000 000056c0 0
.debug_abbrev 0000015d 00001dd8
.debug_info 00001109 00001f35
.debug_line 000017c7 0000303e
.debug_loc 00000174 00004805
.debug_pubnames 00000349 00004979

Linker generated symbols:
_f_init 40000000
_f_init_rom 40000000
_e_init 40000000
_f_init_vle 40000000
_f_init_vle_rom 40000000
_e_init_vle 400000e8
_f___exception_handlers 40001000
_f___exception_handlers_rom 40001000
_e___exception_handlers 400010a8
_f_text 40002000
_f_text_rom 40002000
_e_text 40002000
_f_text_vle 40002000
_f_text_vle_rom 40002000
_e_text_vle 40002d3c
_f_rodata 40002d40
_f_rodata_rom 40002d40
_e_rodata 40002d4c
_f_ctors 40002d4c
_f_ctors_rom 40002d4c
_e_ctors 40002d54
_f_dtors 40002d54
_f_dtors_rom 40002d54
_e_dtors 40002d5c
_fextab 40002d5c
_fextab_rom 40002d5c
_eextab 40002d74
_fextabindex 40002d74
_fextabindex_rom 40002d74
_eextabindex 40002dc8
_f___uninitialized_intc_handlertable 40003000
_e___uninitialized_intc_handlertable 40003000
_f_data 40003000
_f_data_rom 40003000
_e_data 40003000
_f_sdata 40003000
_f_sdata_rom 40003000
_e_sdata 4000300c
_f_sbss 40003010
_e_sbss 40003044
_f_sdata2 40003044
_f_sdata2_rom 40003048
_e_sdata2 40003044
_f_sbss2 40003044
_e_sbss2 40003044
_f_bss 40003048
_e_bss 40003454
_stack_addr 40006000
_stack_end 40005000
_heap_addr 40004000
_heap_end 40005000
_nbfunctions 00000011
_SDA_BASE_ 4000b000
_SDA2_BASE_ 4000b044
_ABS_SDA_BASE_ 4000b000
_ABS_SDA2_BASE_ 4000b044

Now my program can not run, but the example can be used, the same method to modify the start. C.The program is primarily a boot file that runs in RAM.My question is why to modify int_data,andmy program can not run.

Original Attachment has been moved to: MPC5534_DEBUG.lcf.zip

Original Attachment has been moved to: __ppc_eabi_init.c.zip

Original Attachment has been moved to: __start.c.zip

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