How to erase flash on LPC1549?

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How to erase flash on LPC1549?

Contributor II


So I recently programmed an LPC1549 and somewhere along the way it's causing hangups to I can't write over it.

I'm fairly certain this line of code is what caused the issue: 

LPC_SWM->PINASSIGN9 &= 0x1301FF00;

 Specifically "0x13." I've tried changing it back to anything else, but I get the following error message:Could not connect.PNG

So I'm resorting to erase the flash memory on the 1549, but there's no clear instructions that I've found so far. 
Can someone help me to simply erase the memory so I can just start with a blank slate again and reprogram the device? 

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5 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Could you please try the following steps?

  1. Power off first
    2. Connect ISP pin to GND
    3. Connect RST pin to GND
    4. Power ON
    5. Wait 5~10 sec
    6. Disconnect ISP pin to GND ----> Keep power ON
    7. Disconnect RST pin to GND ----> Keep power ON
    8. Programming ----> Still power ON

Please let me know if this helps!

Have a great day,

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Contributor II

Thanks for replying, Con Verse.

I've read that, as well as ISP Reset over debug. According to that page:

The LPC-Link2 ISP Reset functionality does not work with LPCXpresso1549 Rev. B boards. It does work with Rev. C boards.

A debug ISP Reset will not be able to recover a system in Deep power down mode.

I just happen to be using the 1549 rev B board. There's 3 boards with me that have all been locked because of this.

Is there an alternative to recover from here? I've also tried vector catch but that didn't do it.

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Senior Contributor V

Use reset and isp buttons, if present. If not, you will need to get access to the pins on the chip...

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Contributor II

Could you please elaborate? I understand pressing and releasing reset while ISP0 and 1 are held down, but then what? I've attempted using flashmagic and lpcxpresso to erase but neither responded. I got the same error. "ee(36)Could not connect to core."

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