Coldfire - USB Host - problem to turn on/off the keyboard leds

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Coldfire - USB Host - problem to turn on/off the keyboard leds

Contributor II

I am using CodeWarrior 6.3 C Compiler for Coldfire MCF52223 on the Freescale M52223EVB Development board. I need to use the processor USB interface in Host mode. My software is based on the CMX routines (Host Demo) downloaded from Freescale Web Site.


I  modified the software and it works correctly with mouse and keyboard to send to the RS232 i/f their data.


This software has in the file “host_hid_kbd.c” the “void hid_kbd_set_leds (.......)” routine that use the “hid_set_report(.....)” routine to turn on/off the keyboard leds.


I use “hid_set_report(0, &leds, 1)” in the main loop when change my status_leds, but this did not work, so I found an error of the toggle DATA0/1 in usb_host_start_transaction(..)routine during a setup transaction  (see link ).


Now all work correctly with a old usb keyboard, in fact I change the status led and read the press key without problems, but with a lot of new usb keyboards when I change the status led often they hang up and it is necessary to disconnect it.


I have investigated and I have found :


1.      an error in the loop “/* wait till frame is due */”  (see link ) not yet fully resolved because with keyboards that don’t work correctly, reading the frame register returns strange values. Now I have added a delay in this loop to read less times the  Frame Number Register and it seems to work better.


2.      when turning on/off the keyboard leds work correctly, the transaction is:


CF: Setup + Data0

KBD: Ack

CF: Out + Data1

KBD: Ack

CF: In + Data1

KBD: Ack



when it doesn’t work correctly the transactions is:


CF: Setup + Data0

KBD: Ack

CF: Out + Data1




and the loop retry for a new Out token:

CF: Out + Data1

KBD: Nack

CF: Out + Data1

KBD: Not respond



I don’t understand well the function of the  SOF threshold and frame registers; I think that this problem is due on the usb bus to a misaligned SOF token and “setup transaction” on the control endpoint.


Any suggestion?

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4 Replies

Senior Contributor II



If you get really desperate, I actually wrote a from-scratch host driver for the 52221 which you might have better luck with...  I tried to simplify it as much as possible.  I talked successfully to USB mass storage devices as well as a PIMA camera and proprietary Canon camera...  I since abandoned my host project and have been running in device mode, but I just tested this code and it still works :smileyhappy:, if it might help you.  I had found the same data-toggle bug with the CMX stack, and probably others, so I decided to try it this way.


Anyway, if it helps, good luck!


-- Rich

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Contributor II

Thank you very much for your help,:smileywink: but your code seems to me not suitable to solve my problem.



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Contributor II

To see better my bug I have done the acquisition (see link figure errledsr2.gif ) of the set_report routine transaction.


At the first setup_transaction (setup+data0) the MCF52223 give no answer, at the second setup_transaction answer with an ACK,.

At the first out_transaction (OUT+DATA1)  the answer is NAK; at the second  out_transaction (OUT+DATA1)  there is no answer,  after at the third out_transaction (OUT+DATA1) the keyboard hang up and the led not turn on/off. :smileysad:
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Contributor II
on SOF 1596 there is an IN_transaction with an answer NAK.
NAK = transaction accepted by "keyboard device" but no "data press key" pending.
after start the set_report routine.
Is it correct?
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