System clock check failure

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System clock check failure

Contributor I
Hi all.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I am using Codewarrior dev studio for Coldfire SE Ver 7.0 build 15 with an IDE version of 5.9.0 build 2502. I am using a P&E micro usb multilink connected to the BDM port. I am making two separate projects, one on a M5213EVB and one on a M5211DEMO board.

The problem I'm having is during downloading of code into flash. After I start CodeWarrior I am able to download code into flash about 5 times. After that, I get the error: "System clock check failed. See details for additional information."  Nothing I try can get rid of the error except restarting CodeWarrior. After a restart, I am able to download code an addition ~5 times before the problem re-appears. Somewhat annoying to say the least. :smileymad:

If anyone has any suggestions for a way to fix this, it would be appreciated.


P.S. on both boards I am using an external 7.3728 Mhz crystal.
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6 Replies

Contributor I
Well I figured I couldn't be the only one experiencing this. It would be interesting to find out how widespread this is, and if there is something common to our computers/operating systems that may be interfering with CodeWarrior. Of course it could just be a bug in CodeWarrior.

Another thing I notice is that each time, it takes a little bit longer to program the flash after an erase, until finally it fails.


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Senior Contributor III
Ditto, same problem. Would all please submit a service request.

Yes, I know you can use cfflasher but that is a big pain because cfflasher forgets everything each time you start it , and you have to close it or you can't go back and use the debugger because the BDM stays busy.

Also mention that it is a big pain that you can't just push F5 ( or click debug) and have it erase flash, burn it and run to main, like you can with the 12,8 and V1.

I already did this, but if you guys do it they might realize it is not just one cranky dev. who does not like it, and that it is a real bug.

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Contributor I
I have the same problem with MCF52235RM board, i must restart CW everytime :smileysad:

Message Edited by kedja on 2008-06-19 08:32 AM
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Senior Contributor II

I also have to deal with this problem since CW6.4, but seems to be more present with CW7.0.
I notice that this behavior happened very often, if I use USB motherboard ports instead USB PCI card ports, and more present since I change my PC for a new dual core model.
The speed of the system could be an hint.

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Contributor II
I get the same thing on my 52235evb.  Seems it's a problem with CW.
My local FAE told me to use the CF FLasher program instead.  It is more stable, but still has its own issues.
This is also a pain as I have to reconfigure it each time I open it, which I have to close it because I'm trying to run the debugger.:smileysad:

Freescale could definitely spend some time improving their tools.  Especially since they try to **sell** them!
IMHO, other platforms that have completely free tools have a lot less issues.

Frustrated new user
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Senior Contributor II
I experience a similar behavior on an M52221DEMO board and the same build of CW.
I usually just restart CW, but I have found a few other things that seem to help sometimes, though not all of the times:
1. disconnect and reconnect the BDM USB cable
2. reset the target board
3. close and reopen the flash programmer, and reload target config
-- Rich
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