Best way to check amount data received through the DMA

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Best way to check amount data received through the DMA

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by philw4321 on Mon Feb 02 14:26:32 MST 2015

I am using the DMA to receive data from the USUART port. I am trying to figure out the best way to check the amount (number bytes) of data I actually received at the end of the time out period. I do use the DMA interrupt to indicate when a fixed amount of data has been received, the length I request is sometimes larger than the amount of data actually received. The data is real just less than the requested amount from the DMA.

So I am looking to figure out how much data I did receive when I do not get an interrupt.

I there a mechanism to check the DMA pnt position?

For reference I am using FreeRTOS with task notification for the time out and this is the setup of the DMA transfer:

    TransferStaus = Chip_GPDMA_Transfer(LPC_GPDMA,
(uint32_t) uiRxLength);

Many Thanks,

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