LPC4357 fw upgrade

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LPC4357 fw upgrade

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by pgeloso on Thu Jun 11 06:56:49 MST 2015

I'm trying to run a m4 firmware upgrade code using LPC4357, but as soon as I erase sector 0, the code halts.
- I'm not using interrupts
- I've left 32Byte of stack offset. ... MCU Linker -> Target -> stack offest = 32
- I placed routines into RAM
- I copied the firmware that will upgrade the m4 into a free sector of Flash bank A then, to upgrade the firmware, I simply copy these sectors into sectors starting from 0 

Am I missing something else?

Probably I'm not correctly using the instructions to place routines into RAM.
I'm attaching parts of the code:
could you please double check?
Any suggestions?

Thank you

int main(void) {
   uint8_t result8=0;

    uint8_t (*longfunc)(void) = &ram_copy_fw_upgrade;

    Board_UART_Init(0);//needed, or it will not compile

    Chip_IAP_Initialise();//important! Or iap will not work!

   result8=(*longfunc)();// routine that runs from RAM!

    while(1) {

    return 0 ;

#define IAP_INIT_CMD 49

void Chip_IAP_Initialise(void)
uint32_t command[5], result[4];

command[0] = IAP_INIT_CMD;
iap_entry(command, result);

__RAMFUNC(RAM) uint8_t ram_Chip_IAP_PreSectorForReadWrite(uint32_t strSector, uint32_t endSector, uint8_t flashBank)
uint32_t command[5], result[4];

command[0] = IAP_PREWRRITE_CMD;
command[1] = strSector;
command[2] = endSector;
command[3] = flashBank;
iap_entry(command, result);

return result[0];

__RAMFUNC(RAM) uint8_t ram_Chip_IAP_CopyRamToFlash(uint32_t dstAdd, uint32_t *srcAdd, uint32_t byteswrt)
uint32_t command[5], result[4];

command[0] = IAP_WRISECTOR_CMD;
command[1] = dstAdd;
command[2] = (uint32_t) srcAdd;
command[3] = byteswrt;
command[4] = SystemCoreClock / 1000;
iap_entry(command, result);

return result[0];

__RAMFUNC(RAM) uint8_t ram_Chip_IAP_EraseSector(uint32_t strSector, uint32_t endSector, uint8_t flashBank)
uint32_t command[5], result[4];

command[0] = IAP_ERSSECTOR_CMD;
command[1] = strSector;
command[2] = endSector;
command[3] = SystemCoreClock / 1000;
command[4] = flashBank;
iap_entry(command, result);

return result[0];

__RAMFUNC(RAM) uint8_t ram_copy_fw_upgrade(void){
//routine placed in ram that uses routines placed in ram
//In a previous run I copied blinky.h data into sector STARTING_SECTOR_N=8
//Now I copy flash sector 8 into sector 0
uint32_t fw_lenght,sector_address;
int i;
uint8_t result8;

uint32_t n_sector=0;//we start writing data in this sector

uint32_t *read_address=(uint32_t *)sector_banka_start_map[STARTING_SECTOR_N];//leggo da qui

/// pointers to call routines placed into RAM
uint8_t (*longfunc_prepare)(uint32_t strSector, uint32_t endSector, uint8_t flashBank) = &ram_Chip_IAP_PreSectorForReadWrite;
uint8_t (*longfunc_copy)(uint32_t dstAdd, uint32_t *srcAdd, uint32_t byteswrt) = &ram_Chip_IAP_CopyRamToFlash;
uint8_t (*longfunc_erase)(uint32_t strSector, uint32_t endSector, uint8_t flashBank) = &ram_Chip_IAP_EraseSector;


result8=(*longfunc_prepare)(n_sector, n_sector, 0);//prepare..Flash Bank A
result8 +=(*longfunc_erase)(n_sector, n_sector, 0);//erase         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---------- HERE THE PROGRAM HALTS -----------



for(i=0;i<FLASH_DWORD_BLOCK;i++){ //copy sectors
fw_lenght -=4;
   for(i=i+1;i<FLASH_DWORD_BLOCK;i++) flash_data=0xFFFFFFFF;// fill with erased data
break;//fine del ciclo for

//storing data into flash
result8+=(*longfunc_prepare)(n_sector, n_sector, 0);//prepare
result8 +=(*longfunc_copy)(sector_address, flash_data, FLASH_BLOCK);//erase

//update flash address
sector_address +=FLASH_BLOCK;
if(!(sector_address<sector_banka_end_map[n_sector])){//if needed, change sector
n_sector++; //new sector
//fail !!
sector_address=sector_banka_start_map[n_sector];//new address
//nuovo settore:
result8+=(*longfunc_prepare)(n_sector, n_sector, 0);//prepare
result8 +=(*longfunc_erase)(n_sector, n_sector, 0);//erase


 return result8;

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