Is possible that LPC 1549 Firmware upload via USB

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Is possible that LPC 1549 Firmware upload via USB

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Jerrycc on Thu Jan 14 09:32:38 MST 2016
Hi everyone~

I am a beginner of LPC 1549. and I try my best to describe my questions in English.....

My question is I want to upload firmware to mcu via USB interaface , UART is my secondly section. Because of using scenario.

First , I have been study Data sheet.
Table 89. ISP modes
ISP mode ISP_0  ISP_1  Describe
USB          LOW   HIGH   Part enters ISP via USB

It's seems good to use USB.

and....and....and....what's next?

Which pins are needed to used in Hardware ?  P1_11 and else?
Which sample codes can I used?
Do I have to understand Boot loader?

Very very thank you guys~~~:)

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4 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by mc on Fri Jan 15 07:38:37 MST 2016
Hi Jerry,
Which board are you using?  If you are using LPCXpresso 1549 board, then you have both main crystal and RTC crystal on this board.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by R2D2 on Thu Jan 14 11:56:55 MST 2016

Quote: Jerrycc
How can I find Firmware.bin ?

LPCXpresso is creating that bin-file. That's your new program  ;-)

Read FAQ:
Post-processing your linked application

Quote: Jerrycc
Do I have to set up any Hardware jumper or else steps?

Set ISP_0 low and ISP_1 high to start the bootloader as described in the user manual...

Quote: Jerrycc
The User manual mention.
"the part must use an external crystal at a frequency of 12 MHz"
What is "the part" specific meaning?

Of course that's your LPC15xx...

Quote: Jerrycc
my realize is that I have to add a crystal on my LPC1549 board and connect to the pin.
Where can I get that Info?

Ask the man which made / sold this 'my LPC1549 board'  :O
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Jerrycc on Thu Jan 14 10:41:46 MST 2016
Thanks your reply.

I still have some stupid questions.
How can I find Firmware.bin ?
Do I have to set up any Hardware jumper or else steps?
The User manual mention.
"the part must use an external crystal at a frequency of 12 MHz"
What is "the part" specific meaning?
my realize is that I have to add a crystal on my LPC1549 board and connect to the pin.
Where can I get that Info?

Thank you very much ~~~:)
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by R2D2 on Thu Jan 14 09:52:06 MST 2016

Quote: Jerrycc
It's seems good to use USB.

and....and....and....what's next?

Read User Manual Chapter 34.5  :O

34.5 USB communication protocol
The LPC154x parts are enumerated as a Mass Storage Class (MSC) device to a PC or
another embedded system. In order to connect via the USB interface, the part must use
an external crystal at a frequency of 12 MHz. The MSC device presents an easy
integration with the PC’s operating system. The flash memory space is represented as a
drive in the host file system. The entire available user flash is mapped to a file of the size
of the LPC154x flash in the host’s folder with the default name firmware.bin. The
firmware.bin file can be deleted and a new file can be copied into the directory, thereby
updating the user code in flash. Note that the filename of the new flash image file is not
important. After a reset or a power cycle, the new file is visible in the host’s file system
under it’s default name firmware.bin.

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