UART with High Baud Rate [LPC1788]

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UART with High Baud Rate [LPC1788]

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by crudo on Mon Jul 15 15:26:29 MST 2013

I am trying use the LPC1788 UART with baud rate greater than 115200 bps, but without success.
To control the UART I'm using the PDL (peripheral driver library), all work fine to baud rates up to 115200, with baud rate = 230400, for example, I get the followings errors on line status: FE (frame error), BI (break interrupt), RXFE (RX FIFO error). The baud rate error is lower than 2%, so I don't think that is the problem. Any sugestion about this trouble?


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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by gjzxwht on Sat May 17 02:41:24 MST 2014
chip error
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by embd02161991 on Thu Aug 15 14:53:06 MST 2013
Hi Crudo ,

Frame error occurs when the character in RXDAT was received with a missing stop bit at the expected location. This could be an indication of a baud rate or configuration mismatch with the transmitting source. If software needs to change the baud rate, the following sequence should be used: 1) Make sure the USART is not currently sending or receiving data. 2) Disable the USART by writing a 0 to the Enable bit (0 may be written to the entire registers). 3) Write the new BRGVAL. 4) Write to the CFG register to set the Enable bit to 1. I think this should help !

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