PAN802154 and BeeStack

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PAN802154 and BeeStack

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Contributor III
Hi, can someone explain to me how to configure the BeeStack wizard to work with a PAN802154 module (similar to SARD) for a WirelessUART project?

I have found several threads about the PAN802154 but there arent detailed steps for a simple configuration with the BeeKit tool (and its documentation doesnt seem to have them, I have to read more tho).

I have heard that I need some kind of configuration file that I would have to ask to Panasonic support, does anyone knows where can I find this file?

Anyway, I still have to research more but mean while, if someone wants to give me some guidance, I would appreciate so much.

Thanks for your help.

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0 Kudos
1 Solution
Contributor III
Hi again, seems no one has replied the topic, seems understandable knowing that I had some things I could find out by myself. I'll explain what I have done and the new issue I have found.

I'd like to remember the tools I'm working with:

- PAN802154HAR target (don't freak out please, just see it as a custom target). It uses a MC13192 as transceiver and a MC9S08GT60 as MCU. PAN802154HAR target is based on the SARD design.
- I started working with BeeKit but I found out that it was better to start with MAC examples.

Before jumping into the configuration of the "User Defined Target Editor", I'd like to say too that I solved the two doubts of my last post. PAN802154HAR target uses only one SCI and it doesn't use RTS/CTS lines (which are used to implement multiple SCIs), those ports will remain as N/A then. PAN802154HAR target has an external dual antenna, it means that the antenna switch port used for single anntena cases is no needed, so, it will remain as N/A too.

I found that, in order to use a PAN802154HAR target, you must set the Pin 6 of the Port C to high. Why? because it is used to put the RS-232 IC into sleep mode, if you don't set it to high it will start slept because "User Defined Target Editor" default value for that pin is low. These are the correct hexadecimal values you must set at the right side of the editor: Port C Register: 0x48 and Port C Data Direction Register 0x5C. Once done that you will see UART messages in the Hyperterminal.

Here is a screenshot of the "User Defined Target Editor" configuration:

(Note. It may not be the final configuration, more info at the end of this post)

Star Network Demo uses a switch input to start the ED scan and to start the PAN network as well, however, it wont work if you don't go to specific code lines and perform some modifications:

at PWRLib.c you find this:

    #if (cPWR_KBIInitAndVectorEnable)
      #if (cPWR_KBIWakeupEnable)
        KBI1PE = cKBI1PE;
        KBI1SC = cKBI1SC | cKBI1SC_Ack;
    PWRLib_MCU_WakeupReason.AllBits = 0;

and at PWR_Configuration.h you find that cPWR_KBIInitAndVectorEnable is by default 0, it means that the target will have disabled the KBI. You gotta set that cPWR_KBIInitAndVectorEnable to 1.

I also added PWRLib_MCU_WakeupReason.Bits.FromKBI = 1; inside that second if. If KBIWakepEnable is true (which is) it needs a reason to wake up. Finally I commented the instruction PWRLib_MCU_WakeupReason.AllBits = 0; that is at the end of the first if. Shouldn't be there.

Here is how it should look like:

    #if (cPWR_KBIInitAndVectorEnable)      #if (cPWR_KBIWakeupEnable)        KBI1PE = cKBI1PE;        KBI1SC = cKBI1SC | cKBI1SC_Ack;        PWRLib_MCU_WakeupReason.Bits.FromKBI = 1;      #endif    #endif    //PWRLib_MCU_WakeupReason.AllBits = 0;

 There is another "stone in the shoe" for PAN802154HAR target users. At PWR_Configuration.h you find:

#define cKBI1PE         0b00010000                    // Only PTA4 = S103 interrupt

PAN802154HAR target uses the Pin 2 of the Port A (PTA2) for its only switch. So, you must change that for 0b00000100.

Once you perform those modifications, you will be able to run MAC examples in your PAN802154HAR. However, it stops again with one known issue, brough by several forum users like Alex-RUS at:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank

Star Network Demo starts well. Here is a log of the Coordinator's Hyperterminal:

"Press any switch on board to start running the application.

MyStarNetworkDemo-Coordinator application is initialized and ready.

Initiating the Energy Detection Scan.
Sending the MLME-Scan Request message to the MAC... Done.
Received the MLME-Scan Confirm message from the MAC.
ED scan returned the following results:
  [ 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ].

Based on the ED scan the logical channel 0x0C was selected.

Starting as PAN coordinator on channel 0x0C
PAN Coordinator started.
Sending the MLME-Start Request message to the MAC Done.
Started the coordinator with PAN ID 0xBEEF, and short address 0xCAFE.

Ready to send and receive data over the UART."

Then, End Device's Hyperterminal shows:

Press any switch on board to start running the application.

"MyStarNetworkDemo-EndDevice application is initialized and ready.
Start scanning for a PAN coordinator.
Sending the MLME-Scan Request message to the MAC... Done.
Scan did not find a suitable coordinator.
Start scanning for a PAN coordinator.
Sending the MLME-Scan Request message to the MAC... Done.
Scan did not find a suitable coordinator.
Start scanning for a PAN coordinator.
Sending the MLME-Scan Request message to the MAC... Done.
Scan did not find a suitable coordinator."  ... and so on.

I went to NV_Data.c and I found:

#ifdef TARGET_TOROWEAP       TRUE,                                 /* uint8_t useDualAntenna; */                               #elif gTarget_UserDefined_d   gUseExternalAntennaSwitch_c,#else  FALSE,                                /* uint8_t useDualAntenna; */#endif /* TARGET_TOROWEAP */

Why is there only a TARGET_TOROWEAP option? I tried adding TARGET_USER_DEFINED one but it didn't work. I also tried forcing this value TRUE without luck. Why with gTarget_UserDefined_d it goes to   gUseExternalAntennaSwitch_c? knowing that some targets don't use it? I tried skipping it, didn't work.

Seems that gTarget_UserDefined_d is well setted but didn't find where.

I'm hoping for a little of help here, since I came to this point by myself. My target uses a PCB dual antenna, I'm guessing it doesn't use a external antenna switch since MC13192 documentation says it is used for single antennas, does it mean that my target is using an internal antenna switch?. What else should I config or change to get the End Device joining the PAN network made by the Coordinator?

If there is something I'm missing please let me know.

Thanks for your help.

Message Edited by neocronos on 2008-03-19 02:39 AM

Message Edited by neocronos on 2008-03-19 02:40 AM

Message Edited by neocronos on 2008-03-19 02:41 AM

View solution in original post

0 Kudos
16 Replies
Contributor III
Im trying to manually configure the BeeStack wizzard but I have three doubts. First I'll say and show what I have setted by now, Im not completely sure if its well done, if you find any mistake please let me know.

- My target is a PAN802154HAR, so I chose MC1319x and SARD as "based on" settings.
- Switch port only Port A Pin 2, others N/A.
- Led port only Port D Pin 0, others N/A.
- Debug port only Port G Pin 0, others N/A.
- GPIO ports are 8, you can set Port A Pin 0 & 1, and let others as input or manually set its registers.

Doubts time:

1. What does antenna switch port mean?

2. If the PAN802154HAR is using only one SCI and hasn't RTS/CTS lines, should I set them as N/A?

3. Does anyone know if the PAN802154HAR uses Port C to connect ATTN, RX/TX and Reset pins? I did a close look of the module and Port C wasn't been used, I haven't found its schematics tho :smileyindifferent:

Here is a screenshot of the User Defined Target Editor:

Please note that if I'm right and Port C isn't being use for those lines, it may be the reason for other user complains of weird behavior in the WirelessUART kind of implementation. And please note too, that with your help and once I finish this first step of my project, this thread will be helpful for others when they come asking for the same stuff I asked at the beginning :smileywink:

Thanks for your help and time.

Message Edited by neocronos on 2008-03-10 08:45 PM

Message Edited by neocronos on 2008-03-10 08:46 PM
0 Kudos
Contributor III
Tired of Panasonic's lack of support, I removed the RF shield of one PAN802154HAR to check the connection btw the MCU and the RF transceiver (I can put it on again at any time). Turns out that I was wrong and the Port C is being used exactly like the SARD. The two GPIOs showed by the wizzard by default are fine too. So, the only changes for the moment would be the first four I said:

- MC1319x and SARD as "based on" settings.
- Switch port only Port A Pin 2, others N/A.
- Led port only Port D Pin 0, others N/A.
- Debug port only Port G Pin 0, others N/A.

Here a screenshot:

3rd doubt was solved. I still have the first two:

1. What does antenna switch port mean?
2. If the PAN802154HAR is using only one SCI and hasn't RTS/CTS lines, should I set them as N/A?

Since the default pin showed by the wizzard for the "antenna switch port" is not being used by the SARD, I'll asume that the PAN802154HAR doesnt use it either and since the two pins used by the SARD as RTS/CTS and showed as default in the wizzard aren't being used by the PAN802154HAR (PTA0 & PTA1, but Im not completely sure, they could be wired below the MCU, has happened with the Port C) I'll set them as N/A too.

I'll start some tests, wanna see if it works that way. If someone understand what I just said and wants to give me some advice or found any mistake, please say so.

Wish me luck. :smileyhappy:
0 Kudos
Contributor III
Hi again, seems no one has replied the topic, seems understandable knowing that I had some things I could find out by myself. I'll explain what I have done and the new issue I have found.

I'd like to remember the tools I'm working with:

- PAN802154HAR target (don't freak out please, just see it as a custom target). It uses a MC13192 as transceiver and a MC9S08GT60 as MCU. PAN802154HAR target is based on the SARD design.
- I started working with BeeKit but I found out that it was better to start with MAC examples.

Before jumping into the configuration of the "User Defined Target Editor", I'd like to say too that I solved the two doubts of my last post. PAN802154HAR target uses only one SCI and it doesn't use RTS/CTS lines (which are used to implement multiple SCIs), those ports will remain as N/A then. PAN802154HAR target has an external dual antenna, it means that the antenna switch port used for single anntena cases is no needed, so, it will remain as N/A too.

I found that, in order to use a PAN802154HAR target, you must set the Pin 6 of the Port C to high. Why? because it is used to put the RS-232 IC into sleep mode, if you don't set it to high it will start slept because "User Defined Target Editor" default value for that pin is low. These are the correct hexadecimal values you must set at the right side of the editor: Port C Register: 0x48 and Port C Data Direction Register 0x5C. Once done that you will see UART messages in the Hyperterminal.

Here is a screenshot of the "User Defined Target Editor" configuration:

(Note. It may not be the final configuration, more info at the end of this post)

Star Network Demo uses a switch input to start the ED scan and to start the PAN network as well, however, it wont work if you don't go to specific code lines and perform some modifications:

at PWRLib.c you find this:

    #if (cPWR_KBIInitAndVectorEnable)
      #if (cPWR_KBIWakeupEnable)
        KBI1PE = cKBI1PE;
        KBI1SC = cKBI1SC | cKBI1SC_Ack;
    PWRLib_MCU_WakeupReason.AllBits = 0;

and at PWR_Configuration.h you find that cPWR_KBIInitAndVectorEnable is by default 0, it means that the target will have disabled the KBI. You gotta set that cPWR_KBIInitAndVectorEnable to 1.

I also added PWRLib_MCU_WakeupReason.Bits.FromKBI = 1; inside that second if. If KBIWakepEnable is true (which is) it needs a reason to wake up. Finally I commented the instruction PWRLib_MCU_WakeupReason.AllBits = 0; that is at the end of the first if. Shouldn't be there.

Here is how it should look like:

    #if (cPWR_KBIInitAndVectorEnable)      #if (cPWR_KBIWakeupEnable)        KBI1PE = cKBI1PE;        KBI1SC = cKBI1SC | cKBI1SC_Ack;        PWRLib_MCU_WakeupReason.Bits.FromKBI = 1;      #endif    #endif    //PWRLib_MCU_WakeupReason.AllBits = 0;

 There is another "stone in the shoe" for PAN802154HAR target users. At PWR_Configuration.h you find:

#define cKBI1PE         0b00010000                    // Only PTA4 = S103 interrupt

PAN802154HAR target uses the Pin 2 of the Port A (PTA2) for its only switch. So, you must change that for 0b00000100.

Once you perform those modifications, you will be able to run MAC examples in your PAN802154HAR. However, it stops again with one known issue, brough by several forum users like Alex-RUS at:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank

Star Network Demo starts well. Here is a log of the Coordinator's Hyperterminal:

"Press any switch on board to start running the application.

MyStarNetworkDemo-Coordinator application is initialized and ready.

Initiating the Energy Detection Scan.
Sending the MLME-Scan Request message to the MAC... Done.
Received the MLME-Scan Confirm message from the MAC.
ED scan returned the following results:
  [ 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ].

Based on the ED scan the logical channel 0x0C was selected.

Starting as PAN coordinator on channel 0x0C
PAN Coordinator started.
Sending the MLME-Start Request message to the MAC Done.
Started the coordinator with PAN ID 0xBEEF, and short address 0xCAFE.

Ready to send and receive data over the UART."

Then, End Device's Hyperterminal shows:

Press any switch on board to start running the application.

"MyStarNetworkDemo-EndDevice application is initialized and ready.
Start scanning for a PAN coordinator.
Sending the MLME-Scan Request message to the MAC... Done.
Scan did not find a suitable coordinator.
Start scanning for a PAN coordinator.
Sending the MLME-Scan Request message to the MAC... Done.
Scan did not find a suitable coordinator.
Start scanning for a PAN coordinator.
Sending the MLME-Scan Request message to the MAC... Done.
Scan did not find a suitable coordinator."  ... and so on.

I went to NV_Data.c and I found:

#ifdef TARGET_TOROWEAP       TRUE,                                 /* uint8_t useDualAntenna; */                               #elif gTarget_UserDefined_d   gUseExternalAntennaSwitch_c,#else  FALSE,                                /* uint8_t useDualAntenna; */#endif /* TARGET_TOROWEAP */

Why is there only a TARGET_TOROWEAP option? I tried adding TARGET_USER_DEFINED one but it didn't work. I also tried forcing this value TRUE without luck. Why with gTarget_UserDefined_d it goes to   gUseExternalAntennaSwitch_c? knowing that some targets don't use it? I tried skipping it, didn't work.

Seems that gTarget_UserDefined_d is well setted but didn't find where.

I'm hoping for a little of help here, since I came to this point by myself. My target uses a PCB dual antenna, I'm guessing it doesn't use a external antenna switch since MC13192 documentation says it is used for single antennas, does it mean that my target is using an internal antenna switch?. What else should I config or change to get the End Device joining the PAN network made by the Coordinator?

If there is something I'm missing please let me know.

Thanks for your help.

Message Edited by neocronos on 2008-03-19 02:39 AM

Message Edited by neocronos on 2008-03-19 02:40 AM

Message Edited by neocronos on 2008-03-19 02:41 AM
0 Kudos
Contributor III
I do not know the exact solution to your problem, but sometimes when you cannot find a pre-compiler option in the code (I.E. "#define gTarget_UserDefined_d" ) it turns out to be defined in the target's Command Line Arguments for the compiler (I.E. "-DgTarget_UserDefined_d=1 ").
 - Select "Targets" tab on the project window
 - double-click your target filename
 - Choose "Compiler for HC08" window
 - Look in the "Command Line Arguments" box for pre-compiler option in question.
NOTE:  I am not sure what you are struggling with, but you might want to check out all of these pre-compiler options (in the command line) to ensure that they jive with what you intend to implement.
Hope this helps,
 - Ware
0 Kudos
Contributor III
Thank you very much Rob and Ware.

To Rob: When I was researching for ZigBee modules, I saw XBee ones and I loved them, I even thought that I would end up working with them but later I found Panasonics, they were a little cheaper and saved me from some work. Im not sure if it was a good idea, but I already have 3 Panasonic modules and I gotta get them working somehow.

I have to say here (and if I shouldn't, let me know and I'll edit) that I tried with Panasonic's support and it didn't work. I couldn't find a simple way to contact them, the "site" that offers basic info and pdfs of the modules seems neglected and it support works only for american people. So I had to send one mail to each different support site I found (their online support is kinda weird, waay disorganized ...) and only one guy from Brazil answered me, he had no clue of what I was talking about so he ended that support with a "contact the store where you bought the module".

To Mads: That last paragraph answers the recomendation you sent me through pm. I sent some pms because I was hoping that other users and experimented people helped me, no as support request but as a "kind hand" or something.

To Ware: Thanks man, that tip is new for me, here its what I found in the Command Line Arguments:

 -Cc -Cs08 -CswMaxLF0 -CswMinLF0 -CswMinSLB9999 -DINCLUDE_802_15_4
 -DgBindCapability_d=0 -DgBeeStackIncluded_d=0 -DgZtcIncluded_d=0
 -Lasm=%n.lst -Lasmc=h -Cni -Cq -Ou -Obfv -OdocF=-Onca|-One|-Or|-Ont
 -TE1uE -WmsgNu=acdet -DgTarget_UserDefined_d=1 -DgMacStandAlone_d=1

 You were right, there it was -DgTarget_UserDefined_d=1 the one I couldn't find. I recognize some "options" in there but others are like in chinese for me, so I'll check for more info to understand them. If you wanna give me some clues I'd appreciate it too.

I'll re-take things and re-organize info and thoughts, so I can come here again with more detailed doubts.

Thanks a lot again.

Message Edited by neocronos on 2008-03-25 09:59 PM
0 Kudos
Contributor III
I'm thinking on trying SMAC since it seems much easier to untangle than MAC or BeeStack. I can't avoid thinking that I will stay stuck if I continue going deep into MACs projects which has been what I've been doing.

There isn't "User Defined Target Editor" on SMAC examples,so I'll jump into the headers. Wish me luck. :smileyhappy:
0 Kudos
Contributor III
It worked. I tried SMAC Wireless UART example, changed few things on the headers and it worked well. I wonder whats wrong with MAC Wireless UART example, I'm thinking on trying it again but using SARD as defaul target and not user defined one (as I did with SMAC example, since it hasn't user defined option).

I guess SMAC examples are useful to learn from them but I wonder if they would be short for a little ZigBee network for example, because SMAC documentation says "per to per" doesn't mention other networks.

I'll quote here both "Command Line Arguments", SMAC and MAC, for Wireless UART examples. If anyone catchs an important error please let me know:


-Cc -Cs08 -CswMaxLF0 -DgNwkBroadcastPassiveAckRetryCapability_d=0 -DgBeaconSupportCapability_d=0 -DgStaticAddressingCapability_d=1 -DgSecurityCapability_d=0 -CswMinLF0 -CswMinSLB9999 -DINCLUDE_802_15_4 -DgZdoIncluded_c=1 -DgReadExtAddr_c=1 -DgBindCapability_d=1 -Lasm=%n.lst -Lasmc=h -Ot -Ou -Onf -OnB=alr -OnCstVar -OnPMNC -Or -TE1uE -WmsgNu=acdet -WmsgSi3303


-Cc -Cs08 -CswMaxLF0 -CswMinLF0 -CswMinSLB9999 -DINCLUDE_802_15_4
-DgBindCapability_d=0 -DgBeeStackIncluded_d=0 -DgZtcIncluded_d=0
-Lasm=%n.lst -Lasmc=h -Cni -Cq -Ou -Obfv -OdocF=-Onca|-One|-Or|-Ont
-TE1uE -WmsgNu=acdet -DgTarget_UserDefined_d=1 -DgMacStandAlone_d=1


0 Kudos
Contributor III
It worked again. Finally, I could see an association btw the Coordinator and an End Device. :smileyhappy:

I'll wrtie down (again) what I'm using, to help you understanding this large and weird thread.

- I'm trying BeeKit. Started with BeeStack (had issues), changed to MAC (had issues), then to SMAC (worked) then went up to MAC again (its working thanks to the SMAC test).
- My target is a PAN802154HAR. I tried with the "User Defined Target Editor" but I couldn't find what was wrong, UART worked but the Network as well didn't. Now, I'm using SARD as defaul configuration for the MyStarNetwork example. However, I had to manually change the SARD header. I also had to change some things related to the KBI at some headers, its well explained at other posts in this same topic.

I compared the "Command Line Arguments" generated by the "User Defined Target Editor" option with the one generated by the SARD and they look the same, the only difference is -DgTarget_UserDefined_d=1 vs -DgTargetSARD_d=1 which is pretty obvious. So, "User Defined Target Editor" problem wasn't in the "Command Line Arguments" because SARD one worked fine. I don't know where the problem is and I guess I will never know since I'll stick to SARD.

Here is what I'm getting at the Hyperterminal console:


Press any switch on board to start running the application.

MyStarNetworkDemo-Coordinator application is initialized and ready.

Initiating the Energy Detection Scan.
Sending the MLME-Scan Request message to the MAC... Done.
Received the MLME-Scan Confirm message from the MAC.
ED scan returned the following results:
  [ 00 00 00 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 88 00 88 ].

Based on the ED scan the logical channel 0x0B was selected.

Starting as PAN coordinator on channel 0x0B
PAN Coordinator started.
Sending the MLME-Start Request message to the MAC Done.
Started the coordinator with PAN ID 0xBEEF, and short address 0xCAFE.

Ready to send and receive data over the UART.

End Device:

Press any switch on board to start running the application.

MyStarNetworkDemo-EndDevice application is initialized and ready.
Start scanning for a PAN coordinator.
Sending the MLME-Scan Request message to the MAC... Done.
Found a coordinator with the following properties:.

PAN ID............0xBEEF.

Logical Channel...0x0B.

Beacon Spec.......0xCFFF.

Link Quality......0xAA.

Associating to PAN coordinator on channel 0x0B.
Sending the MLME-Associate Request message to the MAC Done.
Device successfully associated.
We were assigned the short address 0x0001.

End Device ready to send and receive data over the UART.


Received an MLME-Associate Indication from the MAC.
Sending the MLME-Associate Response message to the MAC Done.
Device associated.
Received an MLME-Comm-Status Indication from the MAC.

After few seconds:

Packet dropped.
Packet dropped.

Disconnected device: 01. :smileyindifferent:

Any idea of whats happening? I'll check what I can find but I could use some ideas.

0 Kudos
Contributor III
I'm reading and testing MyWirelessApp examples, trying to start from the bottom for a better understanding.
0 Kudos
Contributor III
MyWirelessApp examples worked well, the only one that didn't work was the last one (demo 08 with securty), it keeps saying "couldn't find a suitable coordinator". I wonder if other people had issues with that demo too.

Soo, it took me quite a while to get enough functionality to work wtih. To be honest I expected more replies of other users, perhaps they found this thread too complicated like to jump on it. I wanna thank again to Rod and Ware for their answers.

Now I'll take what I learned and I'll try to add it to a study project I'm working in.

I may be back on later, but I think I have enough material for another while.

And one more time, wish me luck :smileyhappy:
0 Kudos
Contributor I
I'm working with PAN802154HARL0 of Panasonic, I installed the BeeKit Sofware, but it have a problem, because the License has experired. I'm programing the ZigBee module for BDM funtion that I program it with the Target DEMOQE128 of PEmicro, you should see the application note to PAN802154, there is a capitule of title 3.6.4 Editing SARD Header File the Panasonic Module, it explains like editing the lines of code, this says about a TARGET_DIG536_2 that has the libreries. I don't inderstand it....I will work  more on BeeKit and CW for geting a solution to your problem...

Good Luck
0 Kudos
Contributor III
Hey, I already solved these thread issues. Now I'm here:

PAN802154HAR documentation is out of date. Was made before BeeKit and hasn't been updated yet. I explained how to work with PAN802154HAR and BeetKit through this thread, if you need more details don't hesitate on asking them, but first check the whole thread well.

BeeKit doesn't need a license, BeeStack does. Try using just MAC or SMAC.

Have fun.
0 Kudos
Contributor III
I believe that my target isn't using any kind of antenna switch (I don't know if that is an option either), the antenna is just like the one showed in the "Figure 3-3. Dual Port RF Configuration Examples" of the "MC13192/MC13193 Reference Manual, Rev. 1.5", its a dual antenna (PCB kind) connected to RFIN and PAO.

It has RxTxEn pin connected to Port C Pin 3 tho, not sure if it is an antenna switch.

Message Edited by neocronos on 2008-03-19 10:31 PM
0 Kudos
Contributor III
Man I could use some help in here, how can I do to bump the thread? :smileysad:
0 Kudos
Contributor I
The issues you experienced last year are now familiar to me. The XBee module from Maxtstream presents similar challenges. Here's some of what I have learned:
1. BeeKit supports demos. For working applications, you have a lot of work to do, after you untangle the demo applications from the application support code.
2. The BeeKit configuration tools apply to the supplied PCBs. The platform configuration doesn't really work for different pin connections than on the demo PCBs. You have to edit or create your own header files real products. Both Panasonic and Maxstream provide tweaked header files that can help you get started.
3. The ZigBee network funtions work.
4. ZigBee clusters are partly implemented.
0 Kudos
Contributor III
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