The microcontroller permanently do a reset

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The microcontroller permanently do a reset

Contributor I

hi!!! I am making a bootloader in a KM34z128M5, testing the firmware, this jumped to hard fault. From that moment, everytime that the device is powered up, the microcontroller permanently do a reset. I have tried to flash the microcontroller or simply erase again but it is impossible doing it debit to reset.

If someone could help me I would be grateful

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello David:

What IDE and debugging tool are you using?

It should be possible to reprogram or erase the device, unless it is secured and mass erase is disabled.

Another possible cause is that the SWD pins are disabled early in the code by changing the pins to a different function. Have you reconfigured the SWD pins?

There are some software tools to regain access to the device if it is not permanently locked, but it depends on your debug probe:

- With P&E toos (e.g. Universal Multilink), there is the P&E_recovery_utility:


- With Segger tools, there is a software pack which includes the J-Link commander, which you can use to unlock and erase Kinetis devices. The download link: SEGGER - The Embedded Experts for RTOS and Middleware, Debug Probes and Production Programmers - Dow...

There are some good posts by colleague Erich Styger about these tools:

Bricking and Recovering FRDM-KL25Z Boards: Reset, SWD Clock and Low Power | MCU on Eclipse

Unlocking and Erasing FLASH with Segger J-Link | MCU on Eclipse

Best Regards!
Jorge Gonzalez

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