Is this correct data for USBDM MKL27Z256VLH4?

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Is this correct data for USBDM MKL27Z256VLH4?

Senior Contributor III

    I did not find that the MKL27Z256VLH4 was detected with Ver 4.12.1 of USBDM.
    The SDID value for the 64pin LQFP (Package Identifier LH) MKL27Z256VLH4 is 23161D85.

    MKL27 is a subset of the MKL43.  The MKL43 has LCD driver the MKL27 does not.
    Reference Manual: KL27P64M48SF6RM

    I went with this, not sure it is exactly correct as these parts have 32K of RAM?:

    [device name="MKL27Z256LH4" family="CortexM0plus" subfamily="MKL27Z256M4"]
        [memoryRef ref="kinetis8K_24K_Ram" /]
        [memoryRef ref="FTFA_PFlash0_SEC_128K_1KS" /]
        [memoryRef ref="FTFA_PFlash1_128K_1KS" /]
        [memoryRef ref="kinetisIO_MKL" /]
        [sdid value="0x23161D85" mask="0xFFFF0FF0"/]
        [tclScriptRef ref="Kinetis-KLxx-Scripts" /]
        [flashProgramRef ref="Kinetis-MKL-FTFA-flash-program" /]
        [registerDescriptionRef ref="CortexM0-register-description" /]

          What does 'M4' actually mean in USBDM context?  The actual package designation is two letters: FM:QFN, MP:BGA. All current parts in this family are 4=48 MHz.

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3 Replies

Senior Contributor V

Hi Bob,

The device file in the current development copy has an entry for MKL27Z256M4:

<device name="MKL27Z256M4" family="CortexM0plus" subfamily="MKL27Z4">
<memoryRef ref="kinetis8K_24K_Ram" />
<memoryRef ref="FTFA_PFlash0_SEC_128K_1KS" />
<memoryRef ref="FTFA_PFlash1_128K_1KS" />
<memoryRef ref="kinetisIO_MKL" />
<sdid value="0x23160D80" mask="0xFFFF0FF0"/>
<tclScriptRef ref="Kinetis-KLxx-Scripts" />
<flashProgramRef ref="Kinetis-MKL-FTFA-flash-program" />
<registerDescriptionRef ref="CortexM0-register-description" />

I'm not sure if the current released version contains this device.  The next version will be released shortly (

The kinetis8K_24K_Ram refers to how the 32 RAM is distributed relative to 0x2000000 boundary address - in this case 1/4 before, 3/4 after.

The USBDM designation (MKL27Z256M4) ignores the package information.

The M4 refers to the first digit of the speed as you have indicated.

The USBDM designation ignores the package information.


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Senior Contributor III

Seems confusing that a SDID of 0x27160D80, as in the current release, and a SDID of 0x23160D80 both come out as the MKL27Z256M4.

According to KL27P64M48SF6RM the '3' is "KLx3 Subfamily".  There is no indication that '7' is a valid value for SUBFAMID in the SDID.

The '2' of FAMID in SDID indicates it is a KL27.

So is there truly a part that has a SDID of 0x27160D80?

The KL43 and KL33 differ in LCD segments.  The KL27 has no LCD segments at all.

In the part number break down it is the '4' that indicates the speed.

The 'M' is not part of the speed.

The issue lies in that the part number documentation says it is a two character field when only one is used on the real parts.

Not really important here.

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Senior Contributor V

HI Bob,

See this discussion about the SDID:

Problem accessing MKL27Z256M4 using USBDM

The use of the letter M is somewhat arbitrary - I need something to separate the size and the speed (not really a good choice since M is also used for part of the size of larger chips :smileyhappy:).  It is also used internally as the name in some of Codewarrior software (V10.x).


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