Problem by resetting the HC08GZ32 with MON08

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Problem by resetting the HC08GZ32 with MON08

Contributor III
I started a project to learn programming in C..
I decided to use the HC08GZ16.
I designed a board for some inputs, outputs and the pull up's & down's for entering monitor mode..
I could programm the flash and so on.. all worked fine.
but then I decided to change from GZ16 up to GZ32.. cause they are pin-compatible!
After brazing the GZ32 on my board i wanted to programm the flash..
It worked fine too, but then after programming the flash the programmer tries to reset the target..
and that's my problem:

it doesn't work.. :smileyindifferent:

Error Message:
"Attempting to reset target device ... Unsucessfull"

But before programming the flash, the same (i think its the same method to reset) reset works?!

I use MON08 - Class 3 to connect to my board!

Perhaps someone could help me..

with best regards,
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2 Replies

Senior Contributor IV
Hello and welcome to the forums Sacha,
Class 3 connection does not have any host controlled reset or power control circuitry, so the attempted automatic reset will fail.
Then the manual power control dialog should pop up. Does it connect after this?
Also, are you saying that it worked once but now that you have programmed it you can't connect?
There are more siganls that need to be correct for a programmed part compared to a blank one.
Refer to the Monitor or Development paragraph in the datasheet.
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Contributor III
ah.. it doesn't have any automatic reset's..
so, when i start the programming action wind pops on.. pls push reset button..
i do this and all works fine!
and i can programm the flash anytime, cause i use the normal monitor mode, not the force mode..

but when i click my reset button he wrotes "Attempt to reset target device ... Sucessfull"
then he programm the flash..
and then i comes again.. "Attempt to reset target device ... Unsucessfull"

and with my GZ16 it works..

but when you say that's normal.. ok :smileyhappy:
thanks for fast answer!
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