EGL broken under Weston (Wayland) on Utilite Pro with 3.10.17

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EGL broken under Weston (Wayland) on Utilite Pro with 3.10.17

Contributor I


I've sought help about this on the Utilite forums but almost no one has tried Wayland yet. Weston starts fine using the fbdev backend and weston-simple-egl even works but that's about it. I've tried to start XBMC and Neverball (SDL2, built for GLES) and both complain about being unable to create an EGL surface. I built eglinfo (./waf configure --platform=wayland --device=imx6) and I get this.

EGL information:

    API version:    1.4

    vendor string:  Vivante Corporation

    version string: 1.4

    client APIs:    OpenGL_ES OpenVG












   number of configurations: 84

win = window      (c) = conformant             slow      = slow config               gl      = Desktop OpenGL                                                        

pb  = pbuffer     (n) = non-conformant         nonconfmt = non-conformant config     es1,es2 = OpenGL ES 1.x/2.x                                                     

pix = pixmap                                                                         vg      = OpenVG                                                                

      #      ID  LEVEL  COLORBUFFER..........  DEPTH  STENCIL  MULTISAMPLE....  VISUAL.......  SURFACES..  RENDERABLES......................  TRANSPARENT..  CAVEAT...

                        type size  r  g  b  a  size   size     samples buffers  type   id                  apis                       native  type  r  g  b          

      0       1      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0     0      0           0       0  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

      1       2      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0    16      0           0       0  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c),vg(c)        yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

      2       3      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0    24      0           0       0  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

      3       4      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0    24      8           0       0  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

      4       5      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0     0      0           2       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

      5       6      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0    16      0           2       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

      6       7      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0    24      0           2       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

      7       8      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0    24      8           2       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

      8       9      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0     0      0           4       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

      9      10      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0    16      0           4       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     10      11      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0    24      0           4       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     11      12      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  0    24      8           4       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     12      13      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8     0      0           0       0  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     13      14      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8    16      0           0       0  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c),vg(c)        yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     14      15      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8    24      0           0       0  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     15      16      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8    24      8           0       0  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     16      17      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8     0      0           2       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     17      18      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8    16      0           2       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     18      19      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8    24      0           2       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     19      20      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8    24      8           2       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     20      21      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8     0      0           4       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     21      22      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8    16      0           4       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     22      23      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8    24      0           4       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     23      24      0  rgb    32  8  8  8  8    24      8           4       1  0x0020 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     24      25      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0     0      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     25      26      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0    16      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     26      27      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0    24      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     27      28      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0    24      8           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     28      29      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0     0      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     29      30      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0    16      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     30      31      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0    24      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     31      32      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0    24      8           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     32      33      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0     0      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     33      34      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0    16      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     34      35      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0    24      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     35      36      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  0    24      8           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     36      37      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4     0      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     37      38      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4    16      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c),vg(c)        no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     38      39      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4    24      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     39      40      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4    24      8           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     40      41      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4     0      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     41      42      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4    16      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     42      43      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4    24      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     43      44      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4    24      8           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     44      45      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4     0      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     45      46      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4    16      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     46      47      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4    24      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     47      48      0  rgb    16  4  4  4  4    24      8           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     48      49      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0     0      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     49      50      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0    16      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     50      51      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0    24      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     51      52      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0    24      8           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     52      53      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0     0      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     53      54      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0    16      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     54      55      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0    24      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     55      56      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0    24      8           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     56      57      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0     0      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     57      58      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0    16      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     58      59      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0    24      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     59      60      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  0    24      8           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     60      61      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1     0      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     61      62      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0     0      0           0       0  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     62      63      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1    16      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c),vg(c)        no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     63      64      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0    16      0           0       0  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c),vg(c)        yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     64      65      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1    24      0           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     65      66      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0    24      0           0       0  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     66      67      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1    24      8           0       0  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     67      68      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0    24      8           0       0  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     68      69      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1     0      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     69      70      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0     0      0           2       1  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     70      71      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1    16      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     71      72      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0    16      0           2       1  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     72      73      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1    24      0           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     73      74      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0    24      0           2       1  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     74      75      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1    24      8           2       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     75      76      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0    24      8           2       1  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     76      77      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1     0      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     77      78      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0     0      0           4       1  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     78      79      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1    16      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     79      80      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0    16      0           4       1  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     80      81      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1    24      0           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     81      82      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0    24      0           4       1  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

     82      83      0  rgb    16  5  5  5  1    24      8           4       1  0x3038 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              no      none -1 -1 -1  none    

     83      84      0  rgb    16  5  6  5  0    24      8           4       1  0x0010 0x0000  win,pb,pix  es1(c),es2(c)              yes     none -1 -1 -1  none    

OpenGL ES 2 information:

    version string:  OpenGL ES 2.0

    renderer string: Vivante GC2000





































  main stats:

    max texture size:                 8192

    max cubemap texture size:         8192

    max texture image units:          8

    max renderbuffer size:            8192

    max combined texture image units: 12

    num compressed texture formats:   15

    aliased line width range:         1 - 16

    aliased point size range:         1 - 2048

    implementation color read format: RGBA

    implementation color read type:   unsigned byte

    max viewport dimensions:          8192 x 8192

    subpixel bits:                    4

    supported compressed texture formats:
















  shader specific stats:

    max vertex attribs:             16

    max vertex texture image units: 4

    num program binary formats:     1

    num shader binary formats:      1

    max varying vectors:            11

    max vertex uniform vectors:     168

    max fragment uniform vectors:   64

    shader compiler:                yes

    supported program binary formats:


    supported shader binary formats:


No valid surface: EGL failed to allocate resources for the requested operation.

eglMakeCurrent() failed: Arguments are inconsistent (for example, a valid context requires buffers not supplied by a valid surface).

I've noted several things about this. This error appears when it attempts to display information about OpenVG. If I use instead of, I don't get an error but it reports that OpenVG is unaccelerated and the above programs still do not work. If I run the framebuffer version of eglinfo, no error appears and it reports that OpenVG is accelerated as it should be. This could be a red herring but I have noticed from using strace that is loaded shortly before the above programs fail. I've looked into the error itself and it maps to a return value of EGL_BAD_ALLOC.

I primarily use a self-built hard float Gentoo system and I have created a flexible gpu-viv-bin-mx6q package that I plan to release when I get this working. I do feel that I know what I'm doing (built Cairo with GLES support, patched Weston as necessary, selected the right Vivante libraries) but obviously there is a lot of scope for error when using Gentoo. I also tried jas-mx's Debian Jessie image that he used in a blog post to demonstrate Weston acceleration. I got exactly the same result but then again, he used the UDOO and he never mentioned trying anything more demanding that weston-simple-egl. Finally, I built fsl-arm-yocto-bsp (dora_3.10.17-1.0.1) using the imx6qsabresd/wayland target, thinking that couldn't possibly fail, but I got the same result yet again!

I did most of this testing using CompuLab's kernel patches rebased onto imx_3.10.17_1.0.1_ga. I have mostly used my own configuration but I did also try CompuLab's default configuration against Gentoo. The latter does not disable anything that isn't already disabled in the Freescale default configuration so I don't believe I am missing anything here. The fact that the framebuffer version of eglinfo seems to work also makes me think this must be a userspace issue.

In terms of Weston versions, I have tried 1.4.0, 1.5.0, 1.5.92 and fsl-arm-yocto-bsp currently uses 1.3.1. Seems we can rule this out.

Even if you don't know what the problem might be, please do comment if you have had success with anything more than just weston-simple-egl, especially if it was on a Utilite. If you wish to try this stuff on a Utilite yourself, I have found that it can't cope with 1080p, seemingly due to some IPU issue. I have to switch it to 720p first but I'll look into that more once I get the above issue resolved.

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3 Replies

Contributor I

Nobody? I've had to start looking at the open Etnaviv drivers instead and I think I'm actually closer to success with those. That's not what you want now, is it? :smileywink:

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Contributor I

Any luck with EGL on iMX6? Im getting EGL_BAD_ALLOC when calling eglGetDisplay , but on a Riotboard (iMX6 Solo).

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Contributor I

A couple more things to add.

Freescale builds Weston with  -DEGL_API_WL. At first I thought this was a typo and should have been -DWL_EGL_PLATFORM but now I see that the former also exists. But only in HAL/gc_hal_eglplatform.h. This is only referenced by wayland-viv/gc_wayland_protocol.h. They do look important but neither of these are referenced anywhere else in gpu-viv-bin-mx6q or in Weston either. Surely that makes the  -DEGL_API_WL flag useless? I wonder if they are used when building

I've also noticed the i.MX DRM driver in the kernel staging area. Having used the open Radeon drivers on my desktop, I think this is likely to be the future. I did give it a try, hoping that it would work with the Weston DRM backend and maybe even solve the issue above but it doesn't detect a HDMI connection. Can anyone tell me more about this driver?

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