K70 LCDC configuration for VGA display

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K70 LCDC configuration for VGA display

Contributor I

Hello. I've been trying (for almost 2 months) to set the LCDC module of the TWR K70 board with no succes. I need to display a number in a plain VGA PC monitor connecting the VGA DB-15. connector in a board.

I am trying first to get the signals out of the k70 but nothing... I don't even see the Hsync or Vsync signals.

This is my program, it is just configuration to turn on the LCDC but nothing, what is wrong? Programm is full of comments since I am learning and reading the data sheet and getting the elements I need to complete the project I am working for, so I am sorry because it is quite messy but Looks like I am very near of the goal.

Here is my set up, the board, getting out the H & V signals to the oscilloscope of the elevator connector but nothing.


2014-05-06 11-04-15.456.jpg

#include "derivative.h" /* include peripheral declarations */

#define XMAX  800

#define YMAX  600

#define ALT7  0x00000700

int arreglo [4000]={0xaaaaaaaa};

int *ptr;

int main(void)



        int counter = 0;


        ptr = (void *)&arreglo;


        SIM_SCGC5 = (1<<14) | (1<<9);    //activate PORTA and PORTF


        PORTA_PCR10 = 0x00000120;    //config LEDs of twr K70

        PORTA_PCR11 = 0x00000120;

        PORTA_PCR28 = 0x00000120;

        PORTA_PCR29 = 0x00000120;


        //GPIO pag 2147

        GPIOA_PDOR = 0x30000C00;    //field descriptions

        GPIOA_PDDR = 0x30000C00;




    //    PORTF_PCR2 = 0x00000120;

    //    PORTF_PCR3 = 0x00000120;

        GPIOF_PDOR = 0x0000000C;    //field descriptions

        GPIOF_PDDR = 0x0000000C;


        //señal de horizontal GLCD_HFS que es PTF2  que es pin N16 está en D27 de J7B  LCD_HSYNC

        //señal de vertical   GLCD_VFS que es PTF3  que es pin M16 está en D28 de J7B  LCD_VSYNC


        //señal de horizontal GLCD_HFS que es PTD14 que es pin E5 está en D27 de J7B  LCD_HSYNC

        //señal de vertical   GLCD_VFS que es PTD15 que es pin E4 está en D28 de J7B  LCD_VSYNC


        //GPIOF_PDOR = 0x0000000C;

        //GPIOF_PSOR =

        //GPIOF_PCOR =

        //GPIOF_PTOR =

        //GPIOF_PDIR =

        //GPIOF_PDDR = 0x0000000C;


        //lo referente al LCDC pag 193





        //CLOCK DISTRIBUTION pag 229      

        //diagrama del clock en pag 214 y 636

        MCG_C5 = 0b11000000;        //seleccionamos 0SC1 como fuente de clock bit 7 (0 osc1 de 12Mhz y 1 osc0 de 50Mhz)

                                    //y habilitamos MCGPLL0CLK  MCG Control 5 Register pag 643


        MCG_C6 = 0b00000000;        //MCG Control 6 Register (MCG_C6) pag 644


        //MCG_C11 = 0b //MCG Control 11 Register

        //pag 214 Bus clock, MCGPLL0CLK, MCGPLL1CLK, OSC0ERCLK son fuentes de clock del LCDC

        //detalles de clock , 221, 217,


        SIM_SOPT2 = 1<<26 | 0<<14; //selecciona la fuente de clock  

        //[LCDC_LCDCSRC] bits 27 y 26,  0 Bus clock, 1 MCGPLL0CLK, 2 MCGPLL1CLK, 3 OSC0ERCLK

        //[LCDC_CLKSEL] bit 14 pag 324 0 Clock divider LCDC pixel clock, 1 EXTAL1 clock.


        SIM_CLKDIV3 = 1<<16 | 1<<8;  // pag355

        //LCDC Clock divider fraction bits 16 al 27

        //This field sets the fraction multiply value for the fractional clock divider used as a source for LCDC pixel

        //clock. The source clock for the fractional clock divider is set by the SOPT2 LCDCSRC[1:0] register bit.

        //Divider output clock = Divider input clock*((LCDCFRAC+1)/(LCDCDIV+1))

        //LCDCFRAC bits 8 al 15


        SIM_SCGC3 =  1<<22;         //pag 338 LCDC clock gate control, 1 Clock is enabled.







        //Chip configuration pag 81

        //The Memory Protection Unit must be configured to allow the LCDC to access the DRAM.


        //pines del micro y nombres pag 297


        //crossbar switch pag 100

        //Master module LCDC graphic window  Master port number  5

        //Master module LCDC background plane  Master port number  4






        //LCDC explicación de cómo funciona el LCDC pag 2215



         //signals Multiplexing module pag 273


            PORTF_PCR2 = 0x00000700;    //alt7 GLCD_HFS pag 280

            PORTF_PCR3 = 0x00000700;    //alt7 GLCD_VFS pag 280


            //PORTF_PCR0 = ALT7; // Graphic LCD PCLK, Schematic PTF0

            //PORTF_PCR1 = ALT7; // Graphic LCD DE, Schematic PTF1

            //PORTF_PCR2 = ALT7; // Graphic LCD HSYNC, Schematic PTF2

            //PORTF_PCR3 = ALT7; // Graphic LCD VSYNC, Schematic PTF3


            PORTF_PCR4 = ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[0], Schematic PTF4

            PORTF_PCR5 = ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[1], Schematic PTF5

            PORTF_PCR6 = ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[2], Schematic PTF6

            PORTF_PCR7 = ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[3], Schematic PTF7

        //configuración de gráficos:  LCDC (Liquid Cristal Display Controller) Pag 2183

        //LCDC_LSSAR = (void *)&ptr;        //LCDC screen start address register

        LCDC_LSSAR = ((int)ptr)<<1;        //LCDC screen start address register

        LCDC_LSR = XMAX<<20 | YMAX;    //LCDC size register  XMAX y YMAX ** Aguas con XMAX si es o no dividido por 16

        LCDC_LVPWR = XMAX;                //LCDC virtual page width register representa la dirección de inicio de una línea desplegada

        LCDC_LCPR =    0;                //LCDC cursor position register tipo de cursor, e inicio en X,Y del cursor

        LCDC_LCWHB = 0;                //LCDC cursor width, height, and blink register

        LCDC_LCCMR = 0;                //LCDC color cursor mapping register

        //pag 2194 - LCDC_LPCR

         //LCDC_LPCR = 0b 1100 0100 1100 1010 1000 0000 1000 0001; //configura algo de tiempos LCDC panel configuration register    2194 his register defines all properties of the LCD screen.

        LCDC_LPCR = 0b11000100110010101000000010000001;

        LCDC_LHCR = 10<<26|10<<8|50;    //LCDC horizontal configuration register

        LCDC_LVCR = 15<<26|15<<8|15;    //LCDC vertical configuration register

        LCDC_LPOR = 0;                //LCDC panning offset register

        LCDC_LPCCR = 1<<7;            //LCDC PWM contrast control register

        LCDC_LDCR = 1<<31;            //LCDC DMA control register

        LCDC_LRMCR = 1;             //LCDC refresh mode control register 0 Disable self-refresh

        LCDC_LICR = 0;                //LCDC interrupt configuration register

                //If an EOF interrupt is desired, then set INTCON=0 and LIER[EOF_EN]=1.

                //If a BOF interrupt is desired, then set INTCON=1 and LIER[BOF_EN]=1.

        LCDC_LIER = 0;                //LCDC interrupt enable register

        LCDC_LISR = 0;                //LCDC interrupt status register

        LCDC_LGWSAR = 0;            //LCDC graphic window start address register  2207

        LCDC_LGWSR = 800<<20 | 600;    //LCDC graphic window size register

        LCDC_LGWVPWR = 4;            //LCDC graphic window virtual page width register

        LCDC_LGWPOR = 1;            //LCDC graphic window panning offset register

        LCDC_LGWPR = 0;                //LCDC graphic window position register

        LCDC_LGWCR = 0x0f<<24|1<<23|1<<22|4<<12|4<<6|4;            //LCDC graphic window control register

        LCDC_LGWDCR = 1<<31;         //LCDC graphic window DMA control register

        LCDC_LAUSCR = 0;            //LCDC AUS mode control register

        LCDC_LAUSCCR = 0;            //LCDC AUS mode cursor control register


        SIM_MCR = 1<<16;            //LCDSTART bit 16 // pag 357      




            for(counter=500000; counter > 0; counter--)



               GPIOA_PTOR = 0x30000C00;             

          //     GPIOF_PTOR = 0x0000000C;


    return 0;


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3 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Oliver,

You can check in the SC code, the example for the TWR-K70 (lcdc project)

KINETIS_120MHZ_SC   : Kinetis 120MHz bare metal sample code.
Size (K): 17844 Format: zip Rev #: 1.4 Modified: 12/19/2013

By default the MPU is enabled and the LCDC can’t access to the DDR (frame buffer). You need to disable it completely or configure the MPU registers. For testing add:

    /* Disable MPU */


But review the SC code project just in case you are missing other configuration.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Contributor I

Hello Luis.

I downloaded the SC code, I changed to a new version and I've been trying to make the LCDC module to work and it is still the same, no Vsync or Hsync signals out of the ports...

This is my new code, it is practically the same provided by the SC and it is not working. What can I do? Who can help me with this?


* main implementation: use this 'C' sample to create your own application



#include "derivative.h" /* include peripheral declarations */

//#include "common.h"

//#include "lcdc.h"

//#include "lptmr.h"

//#include "sdram.h"

#define SCREEN_XSIZE 480

#define SCREEN_YSIZE 272



#define FRAME_START_ADDRESS 0x80400000  //Screen in DDR

#define GW_START_ADDRESS 0x80200000

#define FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE (SCREEN_XSIZE * SCREEN_YSIZE * 4) //4 bytes per pixel for 24bpp

#define GW_BUFFER_SIZE (GW_XSIZE * GW_YSIZE * 4) //4 bytes per pixel for 24bpp

int main(void)


    int counter = 0;


//    printf("LCD Controller Example\n");

      //Enable Port clocks


      /* Enable LCDC and DDR Modules */



      /* Disable MPU */


      /* LCDC configuration for TWR-LCD-RGB */





    for(;;) {      




    return 0;


void lcdc_color_demo()


  color_demo_data();     //Create the frame buffer data for background plane and graphic window

  color_demo_gw_setup(); //Initialize the graphic window registers for this demo


  // set LCD Screen Start Address



  // set LCD graphic window start address




// printf("Hit any key to turn on/off the graphic window\n");



   // in_char(); //Wait for input

  //  LCDC_LGWCR&=~LCDC_LGWCR_GWE_MASK;    //Turn off graphic window

  //  in_char(); //Wait for input

    LCDC_LGWCR|=LCDC_LGWCR_GWE_MASK;     //Turn on graphic window



void color_demo_data(void)


  int *pointer32;

  int i,n; 



   * Create the frame buffer so that the screen will be divided into 4 quadrants

   *  of a different color:

   *   RG

   *   BW


  pointer32=(int *)FRAME_START_ADDRESS;


   //Loop through top half of screen



    //One half will be red



      *pointer32=0x00FF0000; //Red




    //One half will be green



      *pointer32=0x0000FF00; //Green





   //Loop through bottom half of screen 



    //One half will be blue



      *pointer32=0x000000FF; //Blue




    //One half will be white



      *pointer32=0x00FFFFFF; //White







  /* Create a graphic window filled with the color black*/

  pointer32=(int *)GW_START_ADDRESS;



    *pointer32=0x00000000; //Black




void color_demo_gw_setup(void)


  // set LCD graphic window size




  //  set LCD graphic window virtual page width


  //  set LCD graphic window panning offset (not used in 24bpp mode)


  //  set LCD graphic window position so that the GW will cover up the middle of screen




  //  set LCD graphic window control


    LCDC_LGWCR_GWAV(0xff)   | // alpha-transparent value (0xFF is opaque)



void lcdc_init_pins()


  #define ALT2             (0|PORT_PCR_MUX(2)|PORT_PCR_DSE_MASK)

  #define ALT5             (0|PORT_PCR_MUX(5)|PORT_PCR_DSE_MASK)

  #define ALT7             (0|PORT_PCR_MUX(7)|PORT_PCR_DSE_MASK)



  PORTF_PCR4 =ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[0],  Schematic PTF4

  PORTF_PCR5 =ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[1],  Schematic PTF5

  PORTF_PCR6 =ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[2],  Schematic PTF6

  PORTF_PCR7 =ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[3],  Schematic PTF7

  PORTF_PCR8 =ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[4],  Schematic PTF8

  PORTF_PCR9 =ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[5],  Schematic PTF9

  PORTF_PCR10=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[6],  Schematic PTF10

  PORTF_PCR11=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[7],  Schematic PTF11

  PORTF_PCR12=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[8],  Schematic PTF12

  PORTF_PCR13=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[9],  Schematic PTF13

  PORTF_PCR14=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[10], Schematic PTF14

  PORTF_PCR15=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[11], Schematic PTF15

  PORTF_PCR16=ALT5; // Graphic LCD D[12], Schematic PTF16

  PORTF_PCR17=ALT5; // Graphic LCD D[13], Schematic PTF17

  PORTF_PCR18=ALT5; // Graphic LCD D[14], Schematic PTF18

  PORTF_PCR19=ALT5; // Graphic LCD D[15], Schematic PTF19

  PORTF_PCR20=ALT5; // Graphic LCD D[16], Schematic PTF20

  PORTF_PCR21=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[17], Schematic PTF21

  PORTF_PCR22=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[18], Schematic PTF22

  PORTF_PCR23=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[19], Schematic PTF23

  PORTF_PCR24=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[20], Schematic PTF24

  PORTF_PCR25=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[21], Schematic PTF25

  PORTF_PCR26=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[22], Schematic PTF26

  PORTF_PCR27=ALT7; // Graphic LCD D[23], Schematic PTF27

  PORTF_PCR0=ALT7;  // Graphic LCD PCLK,  Schematic PTF0

  PORTF_PCR1=ALT7;  // Graphic LCD DE,    Schematic PTF1

  PORTF_PCR2=ALT7;  // Graphic LCD HSYNC, Schematic PTF2

  PORTF_PCR3=ALT7;  // Graphic LCD VSYNC, Schematic PTF3


  //PORTB_PCR4=ALT2;  // Graphic LCD CONTRAST,  Schematic PTB4


void lcdc_init_screen()


  // set LCD Screen Start Address


  // set LCD Size. The XMAX bitfield is the screen x-size/16.


  // set LCD virtual page width


  // set LCD cursor positon & settings (turn off)

  LCDC_LCPR = 0;



  // set LCD panel configuration. Use endianess to work with TWR-LCD-RGB lines.


    LCDC_LPCR_TFT_MASK      |       //TFT Screen

    LCDC_LPCR_COLOR_MASK    |       //Color

    LCDC_LPCR_BPIX(0x2)     |       //4 bpp

    LCDC_LPCR_FLMPOL_MASK   |       //first line marker active low (VSYNC)

    LCDC_LPCR_LPPOL_MASK    |       //line pulse active low (HSYNC)

    LCDC_LPCR_END_SEL_MASK  |       //Use big-endian mode (0xFFAA5500 means R=AA,G=55,B=00).    

    //LCDC_LPCR_SWAP_SEL_MASK |       //Set if needed for LCD data lines match up correctly with the LCD

    LCDC_LPCR_SCLKIDLE_MASK |       //Enalbe LSCLK when vsync is idle

    LCDC_LPCR_SCLKSEL_MASK  |       //Always enable clock

    LCDC_LPCR_PCD(11);             //Divide 120 PLL0 clock (default clock) by (11+1)=12 to get 10MHz clock

//If RevE or later TWR-LCD-RGB, need to adjust clock settings 

#ifdef REVE 


  LCDC_LPCR |= LCDC_LPCR_CLKPOL_MASK;    //In TFT mode, active on negative edge of LSCLK.


  // set LCD horizontal configuration based on panel data (Figure 3-3 in Seiko datasheet)


    LCDC_LHCR_H_WIDTH(41)   |    //(41+1)=42 SCLK period for HSYNC activated

    LCDC_LHCR_H_WAIT_1(1)  |    //(1+1)=2 SCLK period between end of OE and beginning of HSYNC

    LCDC_LHCR_H_WAIT_2(0);     //(0+3)=3 SCLK periods between end of HSYNC and beginning of OE

  // set LCD vertical configuration based on panel data (Figure 3-3 in Seiko datasheet)


    LCDC_LVCR_V_WIDTH(2)  |   //2 lines period for VSYNC activated

    LCDC_LVCR_V_WAIT_1(1) |    //1 line period between end of OE and beginning of VSYNC

    LCDC_LVCR_V_WAIT_2(1);    //1 line periods between end of VSYNC and beginning of OE

//Earlier TWR-LCD-RGB versions (B, C, and D)



    LCDC_LHCR_H_WIDTH(40)   |    //(40+1)=41 SCLK period for HSYNC activated

    LCDC_LHCR_H_WAIT_1(1)  |    //(1+1)=2 SCLK period between end of OE and beginning of HSYNC

    LCDC_LHCR_H_WAIT_2(0);     //(0+3)=3 SCLK periods between end of HSYNC and beginning of OE

  // set LCD vertical configuration based on panel data (Figure 3-3 in Seiko datasheet)


    LCDC_LVCR_V_WIDTH(10)  |   //10 lines period for VSYNC activated

    LCDC_LVCR_V_WAIT_1(2) |    //2 line period between end of OE and beginning of VSYNC

    LCDC_LVCR_V_WAIT_2(2);    //2 line periods between end of VSYNC and beginning of OE




  // set the LCD panning offset (not used in 24bpp mode)

  LCDC_LPOR = 0;

  // set LCD interrupt configuration register

  LCDC_LICR = 0;

  //Disable LCDC interrupts

  LCDC_LIER = 0;

  //Disable the graphic window. See the "color" and "fsl" demos for examples of

  //  using the graphic window feature



  //Set background plane DMA to burst mode



  //Set graphic window DMA to burst mode



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Oliver,

I found a number of issues with your code.....

1. What clock mode are you using? Looks like you have disabled the PLL or at least zeroed out the dividers. Was that intentional? The SIM_SOPT2[LCDCSRC] configuration you have is trying to use the MCGPLL0CLK as the source, so you either need to have a valid PLL0 configuration or change the LCDCSRC setting. Right now you don't have a valid clock input to the LCD.

2. What memory location are you using to store the graphic buffer? For the screen size (800x600) and configuration you are using (4bpp), you need 240KB of memory to store the image. This is larger than the on-chip RAM, so you'll need to have some external memory configured and accessible for the image. The LSR and LVPWR settings you are using are also incorrect. The LSR should be 0x03200258 for an 800x600 screen (yes, you should be dividing the XSIZE by 16. The LVPWR should be 100 for your configuration (800 pixels with 4bpp, means you need 100 32-bit values to store a line of data).

3. The LPCR[PCD] should be 2 or larger for a TFT configuration. Minimum valid divide is 3 for TFT mode. You should still be able to get signals with the incorrect divider, but you should still address this problem.

4. The LRMCR value you have is enabling self refresh mode. You don't really want that on.

5. You have the graphic window enabled (LGWCR[GWE] set). It doesn't look like you actually have an image for the graphic window (LGWSAR = 0), and you don't have the data lines on at this point anyway. You should probably disable the graphic window. Basically you can just skip writing any of the LGWxx registers. The graphic window is disabled by default.

I hope this helps to get you up and running.



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