Running a small FTP server with TWR-MCF51CN128

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Running a small FTP server with TWR-MCF51CN128

Contributor I

Hello, I've been trying to setup a FTP Fileserver with the TWR-MCF51CN128 and MQX 3.8.

What I need to do is to be able to download a .txt created by the MCU with some data inside (obtained through the ADC).

I started with the MFS - USB FTP example for the TWRMCF52259 Board, and then extracted the demo.c /.h  files and added them to a TWR-MCF51CN128 MFS project.

I managed to get project running, if I ping the MCU's IP from window's command prompt, i get a response, but if I start a FTP connection I get nothing.

Debugging a bit I can see that FTPd_init(..); returns 0 (No errors), so I don't know what the problem might be.

I suspect something happens during the FTPd_task()'s infinite loop, but it's hard to debug it.

Previous to this I had to greatly reduce the task's stack sizes. I left Main_task with 500, FTPd_Task with 500, and Ram_Disk size of 200 (MFS initialization)

So, my question is:

Why am I not getting any response when connecting through FTP despite pinging being succesfull?

Thanks in advance to any clue to how to solve this problem. And I apologize for my english. Also, Im kind of new working with MCU's so it's very likely i've been missing something.

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Mauro,

To be honest it would be best to move to a Kinetis K60 device.  Yes is cost a little more but provides many more resources including much much more RAM and much more performance.

K60_100: Kinetis K60 Ethernet Crypto 100 MHz MCUs

The MCF51CN128 has only 24KBytes RAM and its support within MQX has been deprecated as of MQX4.0.

My guess with your issue is running out of stack or heap space for the application.



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