MC68HC908JB16  - Help with project

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MC68HC908JB16  - Help with project

Contributor I
Hi, I´m new with MCU´s and i need help. I am trying to use the MC68HC908JB16 to receive data from de PC and storage on an external EEPROM. I dont have any preference for the memory but must have at least 2Mb x 8 capacity. The soft part i made it with vb 6.0, what i need is someone who can tell me wich are the code lines to put on my program to control the usb port. In fact i only need where i can get that information, because im not expecting someone else solve my problem. Besides, i need the lines that goes on the assembler code, i probably use code warrior for programming. Well, thats all. Sorry if my english is not good, im not from america.
Added p/n to subject.

Message Edited by NLFSJ on 2007-08-12 11:48 PM
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2 Replies

Contributor I
Hi kacto

I'm new in this forums too.
I recommend that you use, code warrior for development your project  and  do it in c or c++, I think is more dificult to do that in assembler.
I am doing a project with jb16, and working the module usb for collect data and and transmit it.
One person recomment me in this forums to visit this site:  this can help you to get started in module usb, is a good introduction to do your project.


Message Edited by fredycolombia on 2007-08-12 06:48 PM
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Contributor II
Hi fredy and kacto:
I'm from Colombia too (i think you are Colombian because  your nick say it).  you know that the better freescale's devices sold in Colombia out-of-date, but they works great.   your choice is awesome , but i prefer  gp32 and jk1, jk3, qb8 and so.  C++ is the easiest way to begin, assembled is a kind of complicated, it uses some internal registers and a lot of hexadecimal numbers that sometimes it makes us crazy!!! jeje, anyway, i started with serial programmers and serial comunication and they are so easy.   maybe you can help me with a little problem that i have programming two diferent responses with IRQ interrupts.   You can see mi post above this.  

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