Need help with Beans and DSP_MEM on 56F8013

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Need help with Beans and DSP_MEM on 56F8013

Contributor II
Hi all,
    I am trying to get DSP functions to operate properly, and currently they are not allowing dynamic memory allocation so they wont work. In particular dfr16IIRCreate() won't create the structure needed.

I tried going into the Build options of the CPU bean, created a new memory area, qulaified it as INTERNAL_DYNAMIC, and then split the RW memory with it. RW starts at 1 to size 3FF, and INTERNAL_DYNAMIC starts at 400 and is size 2FF.

I try compiling and get a Link Error message: Segment Overflow: .x_Data (The RW memory)
Reserved size is 0x000007fe -- Overflow 0x000002D0

Where can I canhe the reserved size, or does anyone have an example memory setup I can strat from that is successfully using the DSP function library?

-One tired hombre.

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3 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
We need to know the tool version you're using.

To do that you must:
* CW:
Start the IDE and click on Help | About Metrowerks CodeWarrior.
Click on Installed Products
Provide us all info displayed.
Or you can save them in a txt file.

Be aware the DSC 8.0 and patch V8.1.1 are available.

You can download the DSC8.0 on our web site via the link:
You can download the DSC 8.1.1 on our web site via the link:
The Special edition license is installed by default.
If you need another version of the license please contact your local distributor.
You can have several versions installed on the same PC.
There is only one restriction: install them on separate folder.


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Contributor II
    Thanks for your reply. I am using 8.0 without the patch. Neither of your links are working at this point, but I am sure I can find the patch. The updater function is not working in CW either :smileysad:

    However I am not so sure I am going to wind up using the DSP functions provided. There is a bit of overhead in each call for checking capability before performing the filtering, and I am performing filtering on a sample by sample basis. I may use the filtering alg and "borrow" the section I need from it. I used the static version of the routines, which worked, but I am uncertain of any performance gains if I used dynamic. I am also unsure of how to reduce the overhead by filtering blocks of data in a buffer instead. I may just re-introduce overhead during the push of data into the buffer.

I have to perform basic bandpass zero-phase shift filtering on 4 channels at a rate of 50kHz (I could go down to 30kHz), but I may be forced to stick with a basic FIR pop-filter and do a bandpass in hardware. The performace if great, but not THAT great of this little part.

One more thing: The Code Generation optimizer over level 1 does not allow the CPU bean to set up the PLL properly, so I am stuck at Level 1. Otherwise the initialization code hangs on waiting for a PLL lock which never occurs.

I attached a version capture.

p.s. Is there an example bean-style project that shows a simple dual-channel A/D conversion and filtering implementation where the A/D is synchronized and filtering is done on a sample by sample basis (or otherwise?) Most examples are too specific for things like motor control.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
I'm very sorry for the delay.
I checked the link
It's working on my side.
However I think the better way to handle this problem will be to log it in our CRM system.
The hardware team could help you.

For Technical Support Issues please use Freescale on line support web page.

- Go to following URL:

- Click on Submit a Service Request. You will come to a login page.

- You can submit your request through the web from there.


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