Any MC13192 genius Out there?

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Any MC13192 genius Out there?

Contributor I
Please, anyone here tell me why am i not able to read my MC13192 registers. My System consists of AVR AT90CAN128 MCU and MC13192 transceiver.
Whenever i send some address on MOSI during 1st SPI burst operation, in the two subsequent SPI bursts what i receive on MISO is 0x0000.
Is it that there are only few specific transceiver registers which can be read? Right now, here in this code, i am trying to read the CLKO_Ctl register, 0x0A whose default value happens to be 0x7E86. But my MISO tells its 0x0000. Shall i take it? However, i have tried it with many more different registers.
I am setting my SPI clock frequency to 8 MHz.I hope my transceiver is alive because CLKO is always present there whenever i probe on the CLKO pin.
#define F_CPU 16000000L   /* MCU Clock Speed */
#define SPI_PORT PORTB  /* Define SPI port */
#define SS PB0                     /* The SPI Slave Select Bit */
uint8_t temp = 0x65; /* initialized to some value. Have no meaning in perticular */
uint16_t Rx_SPI = 0x1234;
uint16_t delay_count;
void delay(uint8_t ms)
   uint16_t cnt;
   asm volatile (
   "L_dl1%=:" "\n\t"
   "mov %A0, %A2" "\n\t"
   "mov %B0, %B2" "\n"
   "L_dl2%=:" "\n\t"
   "sbiw %A0, 1" "\n\t"
   "brne L_dl2%=" "\n\t"
   "dec %1" "\n\t"
   "brne L_dl1%=" "\n\t"
   : "=&w" (cnt)
   : "r" (ms), "r" (delay_count)
void MC13192_Reset()
 PORTD |= (0 << PD7);  /* RESET the transceiver by pulling low RESET pin */
 DDRD  |= (1 << DDD7) | (1 << DDD1) | (1<<DDD0); /* Set Direction register as output  */
 delay(10); /* Held the line low for 10 milliseconds */
 PORTD |= (1 << PD7); /* Pull the RESET high */
 delay(25); /* wait for 25 milliseconds untill the Transceiver completely enters the Idle Mode */
void SPI_MasterInit(void)
 /* Set MOSI and SCK and SS as output */
 DDRB |= (1<<DDB2)|(1<<DDB1)|(1<<DDB0);
 /* Enable SPI, Master, set clock rate fck/16 */
 SPCR |= (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR);
 SPSR |= (1<<SPI2X);
void main()
 uint8_t reg_address = 0;
 delay_count = F_CPU/4000;
 SPI_MasterInit(); /* Initialize MCU SPI Interface */
 MC13192_Reset(); /* RESET the Transceiver */
 reg_address = 0x0A; /* Select some register to be read */
 reg_address |= 0x80; /* MSB to 1 for reading the register */

 SPI_PORT |= (0<<SS); /* Assert the SPI slave select PIN */
/* 1st SPI burst */
 SPDR = reg_address;   /* Send the register address */
 while(!(SPSR &(1<<SPIF))); /* Wait till transmission completes */
 temp = SPDR;    /* Clear the SPI data register to receive register contents */
/* 2nd SPI burst */
 SPDR = 0xFF; /* Send dummy data for receiving register contents*/
 while(!(SPSR &(1<<SPIF)));/* Wait till transmission completes */
 temp = SPDR; /* Collect higher 8 bits of the register contents */
 Rx_SPI = temp;        // Assign the received MSB part of 16 bit register
 Rx_SPI = Rx_SPI << 8; // contents and left shift the same.
/* 3rd and final SPI burst */
 SPDR = 0xFF;/* Send dummy data for receiving register contents*/
 while(!(SPSR &(1<<SPIF)));/* Wait till transmission completes */
 temp = SPDR;/* Collect lower 8 bits of the register contents */
 Rx_SPI = temp;
SPI_PORT |= (1<<SS); /* Deassert the SPI slave select PIN */
 while(1); /* Infinite looping */
Labels (1)
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1 Reply

Contributor I
hello..., I m experiencing the same problem. I am using MC13213 module which has in-built hcs08 controller and a modem. I can able to send the adress during 1st SPI burst but i m getting 0x00 in the SPI1D for next 2 SPI burst. If u have solved ur problem please help me too... I got stucked up here and i cant able to proceed further. Thanks in advance...
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